The Music Club | Chapter One

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Jakes PoV

"Fear not for years ago,

The casters of old spoke of a prophecy"

I watched as Daisy walked up to the instructor.

She's so cute I thought for the third time that week.

"Watching your crush?" Drew smirked.

"Shut up Drew." I blushed.

Henry walked up to us, "She's way to cool for you Jake. She's from a huge family of great casters and may even be the prophesised "Lightning Caster"."

"But- doesn't the prophecy about the Lightning Caster say, "And one shall break off, shattering the sky with Lightning,"? That doesn't sound like her. Plus when it says, "And one shall break off," it means from the group of four thats prophesised to bring out the Water Caster." I countered.

Drew and Henry stared at me with puzzled looks.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you have the prophecy memorized?" Drew responded, questioning.

I laughed awkwardly, "My mom would sing a song version of it to put me to sleep." I replied.

"My parents just told me the prophecy every. Single. Day. It got annoying after a while." Drew groaned.

"Alright everyone! Daisy will be joinging us today. We believe she is a Lightning Caster." The instructor explained.

"Oooh another lightning." Drew said sarcastically. He was right though. We had been getting alot of Lightning Casters. I was one, Drew was one, Elliot was one, even Henry's dad was one, though he's not training anymore.

Daisy walked over and stood at the dummy next to me.

"Aim at the head of your dummy's please. I will come to you and you will do a continuous blast at the dummy's head for no longer than one minute." The instructor explained. I practiced hitting the head until he came over to me.

"One continuous blast please jake. At the head." The instructor took out a pocket watch and a notepad and pressed the button as my lightning beam hit the dummy's head. I held it for as long as I could and then stopped.

"2.8 seconds early." He said writing down a time and then moving to Drew. I sighed and looked at the dummy. It had been used by a water and earth caster earlier in the day from the looks of it. It's head was still dripping wet and there were pieces of dirt on it's torso.

"How are you doing Jake?" Daisy asked. My face turned red when I realized it was her.

"O-oh ummm I-i'm doing g-great!" I stuttered nervously.

"That's great!" Daisy smiled hugging me.

*W-whoa! She's hugging me!* I thought, a stupid smile plastered across my face. Daisy stopped hugging me and then Drew turned in my direction.

"I got a perfect time!" Drew said excitedly.

"2.8 seconds off." I said sadly.

"Man he's accurate." Drew said looking in the direction of the instructor.

Henry walked sighed, "I got 5 seconds less than Lia..." Lia was Henry's crush. Lia was an earth and fire caster of a family known to produce warriors. She was the first non male caster in centuries.

Theres three now... I thought.

Things were crazy, there were more male musicians than female. And now we were getting female Casters? This is crazy. I watched Daisy who was practicing her stance. I stopped myself from laughing when she slipped and got mud all over her dress.

"Could you um- help me up." She asked looking at me. I shook my head yes and took her hand we both blushed awkwardly and I helped her up. We stood there for a few seconds looking awkwardly at the ground, till something caught my eye. I looked up and saw five people. Two girls, one with reddish hair and one with blue, and three boys, one with orangish brown hair, one with black and purple hair, and one with just black hair. I smiled. They were, the music club.

Sorry the first Chapter is so short -w- the next one will be longer! Who do you think the Legendary Casters will be?









Put your thoughts in the comments ^^

Man I sound like a youtuber-

(657 words owo)

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