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"Your mission, got it?" He threw a yellow file into the back seat of the limo. "Yes, sir." I was to assassinate Peter Parker, Spiderman. I should probably explain who I am, yes? I'm Strucker's adopted daughter, I would like to emphasize ADOPTED. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just I don't want to give him the pleasure of a real daughter. I'm one of Hydra's, one of their weapons. I am their most skilled assassin, top agent. Think of the Winter Solider with magic. But a girl, obviously. Plus, I don't have a metal arm. Moving on, I got in the role of my fake identity, Morgan Dickey. I was a 15 year old student at Midtown High. I got my fake glasses. freckles and wig. I looked so different it wasn't funny. I pulled on the wig so that I would look like a curly red headed nerd. I decided to put in contacts to change my eyes to a green color. This was my first mission in America. Also my first mission out of a 50 mile radius. I had barely been in the outside world. I was going to enjoy this.

     I stepped out of the car to reveal a private jet. I didn't talk to the pilot, I sat straight down. I watched the limo pull away and fiddled with my rings. I enchanted them myself. Each one on my middle finger. They were basic gold rings, at least they looked like it. They turn into daggers. I always loved them more than guns. They made me feel different. Of course I still used guns, if I didn't I would get punished if I didn't. They just weren't always my first choice. "Buckle up, B*tch. Don't wanna hurt yourself." the speakers blared. I growled to myself. B*tch was a nickname they called me, as well as an insult. Ever since my first transformation at Hydra everybody had called me that. I'm a shadow-shapeshifter-elemental. They took the three groups blood and injected it into people. I was the only one who survived what happened. I also have regular magic but back to the B*tch thing. I turned into a dog in my sleep the night they injected me. Guards found me and named me that, it stuck. I zoned out, thinking of that day. It was the scariest and most hurtful day of my life, since then it's been 3 years.

     I felt a cold hand across my check, "Didn't you hear me girl, we're there?" I sighed, that happened sometimes. I have ADHD and that's just one of the things about it, it's hard to explain. I just zone out and it could be for 5 hours or 5 minutes. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the plane into a car. We drove for what felt like hours but was probably only half an hour. We stopped at a rundown building. "Go through the hole on the left and don't expect anything from us until the mission is completed." The driver told me. I sighed and once again grabbed my bag. I used the directions he told me to end up with weapons pointed at me "What the f*ck?" The Avengers, AND frickin' SPIDERMAN, the one I was supposed to capture had their weapons pointed at me. "That rat," I had realized that driver wasn't working for Hydra, he was working for the Avengers. "OH MY GOSH, IT'S THE AVENGERS!" I yelled with fake excitement. "Cut the crap kid, we know you're with Hydra. Drop the bag and any weapons." I scowled and slowly dropped the bag. I then took two guns out of their holsters and pretended to put them down. In reality I dropped the first one and used the second one to shoot Captain America in the leg. Come on, it's logic. Take out the most dangerous first and use the remaining energy on the smaller less-skilled ones. Everybody looked at me, besides the Captain who was on the floor muttering something about the good ol' days. Two people rushed to his side and two people came at me. One I realized was the Winter Soldier and the other was some dude with a hammer. They both looked really REALLY angry. I winced as the Winter Solider came running to me. I used my magic for now to keep the element of surprise with my daggers. I raised myself in the air and crashed down, using my magic to knock down the two men. Next a woman came at me shooting. I used the element of wind to knock away the gun and we fought hand to hand. After a minute or so I faked a punch to her face while I used my leg to kick her in the stomach. She was on the floor when the famous Iron Man came at me. He tried to blast me but I flipped and jumped over his shots. I got hit and was very annoyed. I took a mirror out of my pocket, because you never know when you'll need one and I aimed it at a blast. It reflected the blast onto him and he fell down. The last 'hero' said "Mr. Stark!" before turning to me. He ran at me and shot his webs. Spiderman. I sighed, and closed my eyes. I knew all about him and his spider-sense, I guess I would have to use mine. I heard a gasp and could tell I got questioning looks. I heard movement on my left and blasted off some of my powers in that direction. I heard a grunt and dodged a web. I then dodged a kick and got even more annoyed when a star-spangled shield was thrown at me. I lifted up in the air and did the same trick I did to the first people that attacked me, "ENOUGH" I heard someone say before I blacked out.

     I woke to a beeping noise and a doctor examining my arms. I was about to punch him when a gun was pushed against my head. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice said, probably the voice that had the gun against my head. I flipped off the voice and I heard a snort from behind me. I sat up slowly and took in my surroundings. A woman that I fought earlier was holding the gun. I looked behind me to see all the Avengers sitting on a VERY BIG couch. I rolled my eyes at their dramaticness and said "What do you want?" I heard another snort, this time deeper. "What do we want? What do YOU want?" Tony Stark asked, I sighed, "I'm not telling you." "Then prepared to be annoyed to death." He said with a smirk. I didn't respond and we just sat in an awkward silence. "Is sh- oh good you're awake." I sarcastically waved at the man who barged in. He straightened himself and said, "I'm Nick Fury, you'll be staying with the Avengers until you decide to join them. Then, you can choose to stay with them or leave the tower." I was shocked, everybody else was shocked. "I don't think-" Tony Stark was interrupted, "Don't then, the decision is final." With that Nick Fury walked out. "So I guess we should get introduced properly?" Spiderman said. "I suppose so." With that I took off my wig, glasses, contacts and said, "Anybody have a make-up wipe?" The woman who held a gun to my head handed me one and I took off the fake freckles. "I don't have a name, and I would say it's a pleasure to meet you but it isn't." Everybody looked awestruck except for the Winter Solider and the lady with the gun. "Ok then, we'll call you Emma. I assume you know who I am?" Tony Stark said, "Yep, but I'm gonna call you Tiny Shark." I responded, he rolled his eyes and everybody laughed. "I'm Bruce Banner." Says the guy who inspected my arms earlier. "Hawkeye, but I go by Clint if we're not fighting." I nodded. "I'm Natasha, also the Black Widow." "Hmph" I said. They talked about her too much at THAT place. "Got a problem with that kid?" Hawkeye asked, I shook my head no and explained. "They talked about her a lot," "Where and Who?" Geez, this guy. "The red room and people in general." Natasha looked at me for a few moments and then turned away. "Ok.....well I'm Spiderman." He held out a hand, I got up, and everybody looked at me. I looked suspiciously at the hand and shook it. "I'm Captain America and this is Bucky." He pointed to the Winter Solider who looked like he wanted to kill me. "Right, sorry about your leg. I can fix it if you want." "That would be nice." He said stepping forward. 'Bucky' put a hand on his shoulder, "Can we really trust her?" I sighed, I really did want to help him. They whispered to each other before coming to an agreement. "Go ahead." Captain said. I reached out my hand and 'Bucky' took it. "You try anything and I'll kill you." He whispered in my ear. He let go but I pulled him back and whispered to him. "Not that I am going to hurt him, but threaten me one more time. I dare you. Do you know what Hydra told me before I went on this mission should I encounter you? THE words. I think you know what I mean. F*ck off." I let go to see Bucky's eyes wide. "Anything to share?" Tony Stark asked. "No Tiny, not unless Bucky would like to say something." Bucky shook his head no. "This might hurt, don't kill me if he screams." I addressed. Purple-ish-Black mist appeared on the wound and the Captain grunted. "Okie dokie, what now?" Spiderman says once I'm done. "I guess we take her to the tower." Tiny said. 


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