Chapter 1

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Have you ever just sat in your room thinking about everything that life has thrown your way and how you got through it all?.
Do you ever just wake up at 2 am feeling like the entire world is against you.?

Like when you had a massive fight with your best friend or when you had a party to go to but didn't know what to wear.
Or if you want to take it to a deeper level.
When you got your heartbroken for the first time, and the second, and the third.
Or when you got home greeting your parents and remembering that there's only one of them now and that the other left.

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by emotions that you just couldn't take it anymore and cried over every single thing without reason because you just had so much bottled up that it eventually just forced you to let it all out?.

You see, Everyone has a moment, or ten, in their life where they feel as if the entire world is against them.
And everyone often has the feeling of loneliness, because all of us have that little voice in our head who keeps on telling us we're not good enough, you'll never make it, give up, you are worthless, useless, ugly, immature, an outcast, annoying, and so much more.

But have you ever stopped for a moment to think?.
"What if that little voice is only my insecurities talking and not the actual truth."

Take a moment and think about this.

All the pain and all the heartache and all the days you go through in life that feels like there is no more color left in the world will always be balanced out by happiness and sunshine and rainbows.
Because if you do not have any difficult days and hard times, life will be unbalanced and boring.

Look how far you've come, through heartbreak and sadness, through Beautiful memories and kindness.
you grow stronger with each passing event and we often forget how grateful we must be for what happens to us and for what we have.

A grateful heart is a magnet to miracles.
Learn to forgive yourself for what you didn't know and not to blame others for the pain you go through because no one else is ever the cause of your suffering. They're only there to make your insecurities and problem known to yourself, not to take the blame for your own emotions.

You are so busy doubting yourself while others are intimidated by your potential and that alone should be a sign of how powerful you can be once you realize that life isn't against you, but fighting for and with you every step of the way.
If you were incapable of handling and getting through tough times it wouldn't have come your way in the first place.

Don't forget you're human. It's okay to have a meltdown. Just don't unpack and live there. Cry it out. Then refocus on where you're headed.
Growth is a messy and uncomfortable thing and fulled with feelings you weren't necessarily expecting.
But you're a fighter, you have the power in you to overcome anything, look at what you've already achieved so don't give up now.

When you have fallen and feel like there is no one left to rely on.
Always remember that in the end you will always have yourself, and no one cares more about you than your own mind and soul.

And when you feel like giving up, remember these words, get back up, dust your clothes off, and keep your head high so your crown won't slip.

I am
Motivated. Beautiful. Strong. Deserving. Blessed. Empowered. Prosperous. Creating. Intelligent. Bold. Growing. Learning. Living. Inventing. Unstoppable. Inspired. Achieving.

The me of yesterday is still me. Today I am who I am with all my faults and mistakes. Learn to love yourself.

My name is Jay and this is My Truth Untold.

My name is Jay and this is My Truth Untold

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Yes, that is me. <3

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