Valentine's Day Part 2

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"So, let me get this straight," Alya said, leaning back against Marinette's desk chair and steepling her fingers

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"So, let me get this straight," Alya said, leaning back against Marinette's desk chair and steepling her fingers. Beside her, on a little table-cushion Marinette had made, Tikki slept soundly, having already heard the story a thousand times over. "You're in love with Chat Noir."

"You already knew that," Marinette groaned from her chaise, hugging a cushion to her chest and leaning back like a Freudian patient. Lord knows she was about three sentences away from a therapy-inducing hissy fit regardless, so it was probably prudent of her to be lying down in such a way. She was preparing for her inevitable breakdown that's all. It was the smart thing to do.

And she rarely did the smart thing nowadays it seemed, so she really needed this.

"You've been in love with Chat as Ladybug for like a bajillion years," Alya continued, ignoring Marinette as she continued to rehash pointless details. Details which made Marinette want to bludgeon herself to death with her cushion.

It was most likely impossible to do such a thing but she was never one to back down from a challenge. Death by cushion- she'd find a way.

"Yes. We've already established that," she replied through gritted teeth, said cushion slowly creeping up to cover her face.

"But last night you kissed him by accident," Alya said.


"As Marinette."

"That is correct sir," Marinette wiggled a finger.

"And he gave you a rose and kissed you back."

"Tru' dat."

It was indicative of Marinette's deteriorating mental state that she'd said "Tru' dat". She'd never said "Tru' dat" in her whole life.

"I see," Alya nodded a few times. The fact her tone had remained neutral the whole time was doing nothing to help Marinette's poor nerves, and so she swung her legs over the side of her chaise, sitting up to get a better view of Alya's twinkling eyes. A sense of dread settled in Marinette's stomach. Alya's eye-twinkles were never a good thing, at least when they were directed towards her.

"I see?! Is that all you have to say? Seriously?! I thought you'd be freaking out right now, I mean I'm freaking out but then I ALWAYS freak out. You not freaking out is making me freak out harder! Can you please freak out with me? Join me in the freak out zone already!" Marinette blabbed, waving her arms and promptly dropping the cushion to the ground.

Alya said nothing, instead choosing to raise an eyebrow at her and cross her legs. At least she'd stopped steepling her fingers, Marinette thought gruffly.

After a short pause, Alya finally spoke, but her voice wobbled and strained unnaturally, her lips thinned in a way that was entirely too suspicious. "Firstly, stop saying freak out, secondly I'm not freaking out because this is the funniest thing I've ever heard."

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