Chapter 1

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"Byleth watch out! Part of the castle is falling apart!"


I woke up abruptly breathing heavily. "Its been three months and I still cannot find her..." I muttered. Ever since Byleth had disappeared during our attack on Garreg Mach, I had tried to find her. She had chosen to side with Edelgard during the events in the Holy Tomb and led our attack at the front. However, when Rhea transformed into what Hubert informed me was the Immaculate One, a part of the castle crumbled and Byleth vanished in the chaos. Her body was never found. In Enbarr, the corrupt nobles had been brought to heel and after Hubert and me had dealt with our father, Vestra had been degraded to a County, making Hubert the current Count of House Vestra and Minister of the Imperial Household.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom and Alliance, Dimitri had been crowned King of Faerghus and granted asylum to Rhea and the church. In the Alliance, Claude had taken over leadership of the Alliance on behalf of his grandfather. While Hubert and Edelgard being busy in Enbarr consolidating Edelgard's power, I suggested I be assigned to work at Garreg Mach due to its strategic position, which was accepted. I was joined by Randolph von Bergliez and his sister Fleche and a detachment of the Imperial Army. While I used my old room, Randolph, Fleche and the soldiers used the barracks. The monastery was in dire need of repairs due to the damage it had taken during the war, so I had some of the engineers work on repairs. I also managed to secure a few trading routes so traders could come to the monastery.

We used the cardinal room for meetings due to its size though it was mostly me, Randolph and Fleche there writing down patrols, maintenance, guarding and other things. Fleche insisted on being included as she wanted to learn as much as she could, so instead of arguing, we included her and she did not fail when it came to assignments, so she could be relied on which seemed to make Randolph proud. We had meetings every morning to discuss plans for the day as well as go through reports from scouts regarding enemy activity.

However, as I woke up and walked towards the cardinal room after breakfast, I was approached by a imperial soldier. "Lord Leo. Message from your brother Count Hubert" he said and after I took the letter and saluted him, he took off. Meeting Randolph in the cardinal room, I briefed him on my departure to Enbarr. "It is likely a meeting regarding an offensive or a political meeting with the other empire nobles" I said and sighed. "Perhaps, though since your brother and the Emperor is working on consolidating power, its likely a meeting regarding the war" Randolph suggested and I nodded. "I hope. I don't fancy long meetings. They usually turn into war zones" I sighed and Randolph laughed. "Can't argue there. Don't worry, the monastery will be safe for when you return" he assured me and I smiled. "I can always rely on you" I said as I left the room to start my travel to Enbarr.

 I arrived in Enbarr on sunday in the first week. "Good to see you have arrived safely, brother" Hubert said as I entered the Imperial Palace. "I trust working with our friends from the academy is going smoothly?" I asked as he guided me to the dining hall and he nodded. "Despite mine and Ferdinand's differences, we are able to work together. As you can probably guess, all our old classmates have become generals within the army and they will be attending this meeting with us, and I bet they will be happy to see you. Do note that Count Bergliez and Lord Arundel will also be attending the meeting, brother" he explained. 

After a while, we reached my room. "I'll have a servant call for you tomorrow morning" he said and I smiled. "Yes, thank you, brother" I said as I closed the door. Getting any good sleep was borderline impossible as the same nightmare still haunted me. My failure to protect Byleth and my second failure, to find her. When morning arrived, a servant knocked on my door telling me he would show me to the war room. After getting dressed, I was escorted to the war room where the servant returned to his other duties.

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