It Rises To Reveal More Secret Prizes

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     Ahh, Treasure Trove Cove. A place full of sand, water, and danger. Here we'll find our two heroes, looking around for notes that they had missed.

     "Are you sure there's any notes around here, Banjo? We've been walking around here for a long time." Kazooie groaned, her feathers ruffled.

     Banjo looked over his shoulder at the red and yellow bird in his backpack. "I'm sure, Kazooie. We're missing a note in this world which means we've got to thoroughly search this place." He replied, glancing around at the ground some more. Kazooie huffed and slumped back inside the bear's backpack.

     "It's got to be around here somewhere..." He muttered, running around some more. He stopped as he looked over to see something in the distance. It seemed to be a small isle with a sign on it. However, from where he stood, he couldn't read what it said.

     "What's that over there..?" Banjo muttered, straining his eyes to read the sign but wasn't successful. Kazooie stuck her head out. "What's what over where?" She asked, looking around and quickly noticing the isle with the unreadable sign.

     "I don't think that's a good idea, Banjo. It's out in the sea and with Snacker around, we'd be eaten alive." The bird shuddered a little at the thought, "The notes might be on the other end of Treasure Trove Cove."

     "Yeah, but the notes may be over there."

     "Yeah, and if they aren't we're goners, Banjo."

     "Well, there's only one way to find out." The bear replied, and jumped out into the water.

     It wasn't long before Snacker was out and after the bear and the bird. He seems exceptionally hungry today.

     "Banjo!! He's catching up!!" Kazooie screeched, covering her eyes with her wings. He looked ahead to see the isle not far.

     "Not for long. Look!" Banjo replied, grinning. Their hope soon went down the drain as they saw the isle was too small to hold them and what the sign on it had said. Banjo didn't get a chance to read it before he circled around, swimming back to land. The pair barely made it out of harm's way and Snacker swam out of sight.

     "We're safe!" Banjo exclaimed, gasping and needing to rest. Kazooie pecked at him, flailing her wings about.

     "Banjo you nut-head! You nearly got us killed! Did you see what that sign said?!" Man, was she mad.

     "No, I didn't have the chance to." He replied, rubbing his head in the spot Kazooie had pecked.

     "The sign said Sharkfood Island."

     It was all a waste of time and a matter of life and death.

     "Eheh, sorry. At least Bottles and Mumbo will have a story to hear." Banjo replied.

     Kazooie sighed and laid down to sleep in Banjo's backpack on the way back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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