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Blond and Red


[M/n] stood in front of a precarious building at the ruins zone of the U.S.J. A wooden bat was twirled around as another reached to take out the lollipop that was in his mouth. He watched as a variety of villains moved into a building that held two heroes in training. The sound of explosions came from inside the building and smoke could be seen escaping through the windows. It was quite entertaining for him to see the villains getting their asses kicked by two teenage boys, compared to the amount of villains there was. He sighed before he placed the lollipop back into his mouth and made his way into the building.

Standing at the entrance of the building, he noticed a few amount of criminals on the ground laying unconscious. He saw a spiky blond haired and bright red spiked haired guys fending off their last attackers.

"Hi." [M/n] said, once the blond guy had noticed him standing at the entrance. The blond glared at him, before he ran full force at [m/n] with his quirk activated.

Right when the hand of the blond's fist was about to make contact, [m/n] was able to dodge the fist and the explosion that came towards him. He swung the bat at the blond's back, which caused him to slam against the wall. [M/n] twirled around to hit the second male that stood in front of him, but said male chopped the bat and broke it in half.

"You broke my bat." [M/n] whined as he gripped the arm of the red head and flung him over his shoulder. "You guys need to chill ou-"

Before [m/n] could finish talking, he was cut off by an explosion that hit his back and followed along with a kick towards his side. The lollipop in his mouth was knocked out as he was launched to a nearby wall and groaned in pain. Luckily for him, due to his recent feeding, any possible bruising and cuts were slowly being healed. He stood from the ground cracking his neck from side to side. As he sent a glare at the blond, who was preparing himself to attack again. Rolling his eyes, he blew a kiss, directed towards the two teens. With this kiss came a heart shape pink gas, which successfully hit the two in front of him. Once the pink colored gas was inhaled, the two had a mesmerized look on their face.

"Damn, you really know how to kick don't you. Now why don't you two tell me your names and quirks." [M/n] rubbed his side where he was kicked at and made his way closer to the two.

"Kirishima, Eijirou. My quirk is called hardening. I can harden any part of my body." [M/n] circled around Kirishima inspecting every inch of him.

"Oh? When you say any part of your body, does that mean any?" [M/n] smirked, while he let out a small laugh and ran his fingers along the red gear-shaped shoulder pads. "What about you Blondie?"

"B-bakugo, Katsuki. My quirk is e-explosion. I can secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands and ignite it on command." The blond stuttered a bit as he struggled to gain control and snap out of the trance he was in.

"I wonder what should I do with the two of you. Hmm, Should I eat the two of you? Or better yet, what if I make you guys my new boy toys! You'll both be my new lapdogs! Do everything I want, doesn't that sound so much fun!" [M/n] happily clapped, jumping up and down. Not hearing the crackled start or even notice the sparks began to form in a certain blond's hand. 

"I'm no one's goddamn lapdog!" Bakugo yelled enraged by the fact someone was able to take control over him. He shot his hand out as a strong explosion that was aimed at [m/n] hit his body.

The explosion was strong enough to send [m/n] flying back through a window. He landed on the floor on the outside with a thud. He yet again let out a groan of pain as his control over the two guys broke. He laid on his back in an attempt to soothe the pain. He was in shock from the fact someone was finally able to break from his charm. It wasn't like he put all of his energy into that kiss, but still no one was every able to break away from it.

The sound of two pairs of steps caught his attention as he rolled onto his stomach to notice a handful of more villains going into the building. He stood up from the ground and stretched all of his limbs. Biting his lip, [m/n] was more than excited now that someone was able to break away from his charm. He was also excited for what else would happen while he was on this adventure. The feeling of his fox ears begin to grow on top of his head, caused him to groan in annoyance. A smile grew again on his lips, before he ran towards another part of the U.S.J, more specifically towards the landslide zone.

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