𝒫𝓊𝒹𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹

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I watched him slowly cross the road. He was mostly fixated on his game. 'Eh...whatever' I thought as I put my head back down to the top of my knees. The long hair boy stopped in the middle of the road. He was looking at me. He quickly fixes his attention to the game.

"Dang it...can't beat this boss" He thought. He the lifted his gaze to me and he was automatically interested in what type of person I was. He went over to sit about a yard away from me.

 He took a peak at me and went back to his game.                                                                                              

"Maybe I should talk to her" he thought."uh...Kenma" he said, still looking down at his game. I looked up and brushed my {H/C} hair from my now wet face from crying. "Oh...uh my name is {Y/N}." It went back to silent. Kenma was now playing Minecraft. 

Kenma mumbles under his breath, "Uhm... yknow...a girl like you uh...never mind" I got confused, now sitting up all the way to look at the slumped-over boy. "Hm? Im sorry...I-I didn't hear you..." He then says quietly but just loud enough for me to hear him. "A girl like you shouldn't be...uhm...c-crying." It surprised me to see that he was as red as a tomato, and even the fact that he actually cared.  

"Wanna t-talk about it?" i internally laughed on how much he cared. I didn't expect that from a kid like him. He seems very self-reserved.

"Heh...not really" Back to silence. It was okay for me. It was actually quite calming. "I have an idea on what person you are" I widened my eyes in shock. 'Jeez, does this kid ever look away from that game?' I thought. "I'm the same way. All my life iv'e been very bad at making friends. All the kids said I looked scary with my natural hair... i didn't care what type of attention it was, negative or positive, I didn't want it. I didn't want to stand out. So, I dyed my hair. As miserable as I was, I didn't want friends..." I really wasn't like that at all. Like I said, I was a social butterfly until my dad died. I still appreciated his will to care "...Until I met Kuroo. Im actually waiting for him right now. Hes late." I chuckled. He did too but quickly covered his mouth to stop him from laughing. 

"Anyways...Thats when I had the brain to talk to him and he introduced me to volleyball." Am I really listening to this guys life story? Eh, I don't mind it, at least someone is talking to me. "What i'm trying to say...is- we are very much alike...I guess." That's when a tall, black spiky haired man came up to kenma. 

He looked surprised for some reason. "HEY HEY HEY KENNY! Who's thisssss? ;)" 

"Don't call me that"

"OMG DO YOU HAVE A NEW FRIEND??" Is this guys serious? 

While tearing up he says, "I'm Kuroo, Kenma's friend. I'm just so happy he actually made a friend." While Kuroo hugged me, I look at kenma, cringing at his game. 

"Alright bud. You can talk to your friend later" He says while wrapping his arms around Kenma. "Cya..." "{Y/N}" I said. "Right. Cya {Y/N}!" Kuroo says. I smile. Kenma then turns around while Kuroo was talking about how 'cute I was' and if me and him were "together" and waved with a tiny smirk. 

𝓐 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓼 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼 KenmaXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now