#3 //suprised visit//

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For a second I kissed him back, but I immediately pushed him off. Again not knowing what do to. I slapped him. With my bare hand as hard as I could, and trust me it was hard. His face hung their how I slapped him. "Uh you slapped me?" He said confused. "You kissed me!" I whispered, yelled. "You kissed me back!" "No i didn't. I don't want to be on your kiss list." "We kissed once, didn't we?" "Like that was a kiss." I mocked him. "And your right. We we'er 12 and we didn't even knew what the meaning off love was. Like you know, kissing almost every girl in school and now me two. Is this really all some joke." "For me it meant something then." "Yes, then. Your different!" I walked out further to my house, now not bothering if I could get a cold. When I got home I slammed the door closed and locked it. I turned around with my back against the door I fell down. Crying.when he kissed me I knew I still loved him but he never loved me back he was just bad, just so he can put me on his list. After some time on the floor I pulled myself up. I knew Dylan was at his fried and my mom was working late. Again. I threw my dirty, wet cloths in the washer and stepped in the shower. I washed my hair, I washed my body, and cried. Again. I walked out off my shower and wrapped my towel around me. I looked around and forgot that that I just stepped in the shower so I didn't had cloths prepared. I walked into my room and searched for my cloths but when I looked out off the window I saw Thomas looking at my room. So he saw me in only a towel. But he didn't smirk like he would, he looked desperate, like he really wanted to talk. I just ignored it and closed my curtains. I putted my cloth on, dried my hair, and went to sleep, thinking about Thomas.

Thomas POV
I couldn't help myself anymore. All those years, all those memories from us 5 years ago. All my feelings that bundle up by kissing all those girls that drool over me, that I realized I just wanted to kiss that girl. That girl that doesn't drool over me, that girl that was my best friend once, that girl that knew all my secrets and feelings. That girl I loved for since I know, and I didn't even knew till I kissed her. After a few seconds I swear she kissed back, but then she pushed me away and slapped me. And boy, she got a strong right hand. "You slapped me?" I was still confused. Then after she just yelled how I am and how I was. I wanted to say how I felt but she just walked out. When I came home and went to my room I looked out off my window and saw her in only a towel. I blushed but when she saw me she just closed the curtain, probably because she wanted to putt her cloths on but I think just because she saw me two. Her curtains are always open and I have to admire that I sometime look in the morning how she sleeps, or how she does her homework, how she's happy when her mom comes home after a whole day working, how silly she dance to her favorite songs and using her hair brush as a micro. I looked out off my room for a bit hoping she would open her curtains but they stayed closed. It was Friday so I couldn't talk to her in school the next day but I had a plan. So I just went to sleep, well I tired but I just kept thinking about her. After 3 hours I drifted into sleep.

It was 13:32. My curtains we'er closed so the lights didn't wake me up, and it was Saturday so I could sleep out. I woke up by banging on my door, but it wasn't my bedroom door it was my balcony door. With some effort I stood up, my hair in 10 directions, my sleepy eyes, my fun Disney pajama. I opened the curtains and putted my hand I front off my eyes, they didn't see because off the light. When my eyes got used to the lights I saw who woke me up. Thomas. "Ugh" I groaned as I let myself fell on my bed. There he stood on my balcony. "Come on. Let me in."  He looked so desperate. I thought about it for a few seconds but he saw my thoughts and interrupted them by "pleas, just let me talk." "Fine, talk." "Not like this, it's gone rain soon." "Fine" I unlocked my balcony door and before I could give him space to walk, he just walked in. Rude. "Look y/n, I-" he got interrupted, but not by me. My mom knocked on my door. "Hunny?" O no no she can't see Thomas in my room. " Shit." I panicked. My mom shouldn't be home now. "Under the bed!" I whispered, yelled. "What?" He whispered back. "Under. The. Bed." My mom knocked again "hunny?" I pointed in silent to under my bed. "Fine." He crawled under my bed finally. "Yes mom, come in." And then she got in and I swear my face grew red. "Hey hunny, I got a little pause today because I worked so hard yesterday. I didn't even got to say goodnight, I know  I mostly come how at 2 am but don't you teenagers stay up late at Friday night in some club maybe with some boy." She joked. "Mom!" "Okay. Okay. But just so you know if you want you can go party with Dylan. Just no boys in this room." At the moment she said that I heard a chuckle from under the bed. Thomas. But I hid it with a cough.phew. " well okay. Thank you mom, but I will assure you there will be no boy." "Oh and I forgot to tell you, the Sangster family invited You to eat with them so you and Thomas can catch up and I need to work again." "Again?" "Sorry Sweat heart but you know how it works." "Yeah. I get it." "Well I got to, don't forget to give newt food okay." "Okay" "I love you" "I love you two mom" and then she walked away. My mother has to work again and I need to go eat with the Sangster'. Great. I totally forgot about Thomas and almost started crying till I heard him crawl under the bed. "No boy in your room uh?" He joked. "Shut up." "Okay look I needed to talk to you."  "I don't know. I just got up." " i see." He said while looking me up and down and then I realized am in my Disney pajamas with my unbrushed hair. I quickly grabbed my brush and brushed my hair. "Funny." I said sarcastically.  "Look Thomas il see you tonight, okay." I turned him around and lead him out off the door. "But- " I cut him off "tonight." And I closed the door. He did go away. Phew.

//this is kinda shit sorry//

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