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After I said that I went back to the gym. Boys were preparing for the practice. "Hey L/N have you seen Oikawa?" Iwaizumi asked. I told him that he's outside and he left. "L/N go to cafeteria and bring water! It's heavy so call Iwaizumi with you" Akaashi said. I nodded and I headed to cafeteria. Iwaizumi is outside so I have to get him first. I was at the door and I heard them talking. "I just don't feel right. Believe me I didn't want to break up with her. I know Tendou and I know that he's manipulative piece of shit" Oikawa said. "Why did you broke up with her then?" Iwaizumi said. "I can't tell you. I still love her with all my heart. She's the best thing that happened to me since I met her" Oikawa said. He still loves me? This is confusing, why did he break up with me? I, I'm not going to interrupt them. I just went to the cafeteria and I tried to bring water alone but it was to heavy for me. Terushima appeared. "Hey, let me help you" he said. He picked up everything and we headed back. "Let me help you, it's heavy" I said. "No, I can carry it alone, don't worry" he said. "But I feel bad" I said. "Then here" he gave one water bottle and then he ignored my complains.
When they had a break I looked for Bokuto because I need an advice. "Bokuto I have to ask you something" I said. "What Little-chan" he said. "It's about a guy. He said that he still loves me and that he has no reason to break up with me, should I try to get back to him?" I said. "No, the normal person wouldn't do that for you without a reason! Just forget about him, find someone else" he said. "I don't need someone else" I said. "Little-chan we all need someone who won't mess with our feelings" he said. "You're right, I will find someone else" I said. Bokuto smiled and we went back to everyone. After few hours of practice there was a break again. Terushima came to me "When we're done, boys will play truth or dare, wanna join?" He said. "Who will play?" I said. "Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Bokuto, Konoha, Kuroo, Akaashi, Sugawara and I" he said. "Sure then" I said.
We were playing truth or dare and Akaashi started first. "Iwaizumi truth or dare?" He said. "Truth" he said. "Who's the most irritating person here?" Akaashi said. "Easy, Oikawa" he said. "Hey that's not true" Oikawa said. "Yes it is! Now it's my turn" Iwaizumi said. "Oikawa truth or dare?" He said. "Dare" Oikawa said. "Kiss L/N" Iwaizumi said. "No, I have a girlfriend. Have some respect dude" Oikawa said. "Sorry, then do the wap dance for us" he said. "HOW? He has no cake!" Bokuto said. "That's why I said that" Iwaizumi said. Oikawa got up and he started dancing, I died from laughter. "My turn! L/N truth or dare?" Oikawa said. "Truth" I said. "Who do you love the most here?" Oikawa said. I got really nervous. I will just say Bokuto because he's my best friend and I do love him. "Bokuto, he's my best friend" I said. Oikawa looked kinda disappointed. "Okay, your turn" Oikawa said. We played for a long time and it was Terushima's turn. "L/N truth or dare?" He said. "Dare" I said. "Do the seven minutes in heaven with me" he said. "It's not fair! You can't chose yourself!" Oikawa said. "Okay then go with Suga. I'm sure he won't do anything" Terushima said. Suga looked at me and we got up. They closed us in the storage room and it was dark. We just stood there. "So how are you?" He said. "I'm good, how are you?" I said. "I'm good" he said. And there was silence. "Terushima was right, you really won't do anything" I said. "I won't do anything you don't want" he said. "I appreciate that but can you do me a favor" I said. "What?" He said. "Because it's your turn next, ask me and I will say dare, then you'll make me do the 7 minutes in heaven with Terushima" I said. "Why?" He said. "I want a revenge on Oikawa" I said. "Okay I won't ask why" he said. "Thank you" I said. We got out and it was Suga's turn. He did what I said and I was closed with Terushima. Knowing him he'll try to do something. "Are you scared?" He said. "No, why would I be scared?" I said. "I don't know" he said. He suddenly picked me up and he pinned mento the wall. He kissed me and then he slid his tongue in my mouth, I felt his piercing and the feeling was amazing. He was holding me by the thighs and he moved one hand to my butt. I wrapped my legs and arms around him. "Do you really want to be in heaven baby girl?" He said. "I don't know, can you show me heaven?" I said. "I have the piercing on my tongue for a reason" he said. That mede me blush and he kissed me again. We separated our lips and the string of saliva stretched. I was breathing heavy. He started kissing my neck and he was lifting my shirt at the same time. I pulled his shirt up and he removed it, his body was warm and his breath on my skin felt so good. He made me several hickeys. He laid me down on the flor and he started kissing my belly. He went lower and he removed my shorts and then he kissed my inner thighs. It felt so good. "Should me go any further?" He said. "Y-yeah" I said. "We only got seven minutes, we should left this for another time" he said and he started dressing me up. "I cam drees up by myself" I said. "I know but I took off your clothes, so I will put them back on" he said. As he finished he gave me a kiss again and we got up. "Seven minutes passed" Kuroo yelled. We got out and we continued playing. Oikawa was looking at me. I had hickeys on my neck and he noticed them. We ended the game and everyone got back to their rooms. "Hey I want to ask you something" Terushima said. "What?" i said. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? I really like you?" He said. I expected this, I will take Bokuto's advice, I will find someone else. I will be with Terushima. "Yes" I said. He was so happy. He hugged me and he was just not letting me go. "You won't regret this L/N" he said. He then went to his room and I went to mine. Tomorrow is the last day of camp, it was really fun.
Oikawa was ignoring me the whole day, he saw me kissing Terushima and he knew that we are together now. He was with Ito most of the time. I talked with Iwaizumi a little but nothing special happened. At the night I packed my stuff and I went outside to watch the stars. Oikawa was there, I feel bad for him but I'm sure that Ito will make him happy. "Hi" I said and I sat next to him. "Hey" he said. "What's up?" I said. He stayed silent for some reason. I didn't want to say anything, he's not in the mood. I got up to leave. "L/N, wait" he said. I turned to him. "I hope he'll make you happy" he said. The light reflected and I saw his tears. "Thank you Oikawa. I hope Ito will make you happy too" I said. "She won't" he said. I stopped. "Only you can make me happy. But it's okay now, I act selfish, I don't deserve you" he said and he got up. He walked past me and he went inside. I just stayed there.
We got into the bus. I sat with Misaki and Terushima started complaining "She should sit with me!" He said. "No one cares what you think, she's sitting with me" she said and I giggled. "I'm mad again" he said and he sat back on his seat. The ride was okay because I was sleeping most of the time. When we arrived it was dark. I called my dad but he was busy so I had to walk home. "I will walk with you baby" Terushima said. "It's okay" I said. "No it's not okay" he said and he grabbed my hand. Our fingers tangled. "Now walk" he said. I started walking and he was following. When we arrived I saw unknown car in front of my house. "No way" Terushima said. "What?" I said. "It's my dad's car" he said. "Wait a minute" I entered the house. "Dad I arrived. Terushima walked me home" I yelled. "Is Terushima still there?" He said. "Yes" I said. "Call him inside" he said. I told Terushima to come in and he did. We went to the living room. "Hi dad" Terushima said. "Y/N can you give us some privacy, we are talking about something" my dad said. "Go with her. I will call you when I decide to go home" Terushima's dad said. We went to my room and I closed the door. Terushima instantly grabbed me and he threw me on the bed. "Now we don't have only seven minutes" he said. He kissed me and he slid his arm under my shirt. He moved on yo the neck and I let out a little moan. He covered my mouth. "Shhh" he said. I pulled his shirt and his body was revealed. "Who gave you a permission to take off my shirt?" He whispered. I just smiled at him and he bit his lip. He removed my shirt too and I was only in a bra. "That's more like it" he said and he kissed my chest, then he moved to my belly, he was still covering my mouth. He removed my pants and my underwear and he started licking me down there. I felt his piercing and I moaned, he was not covering my mouth this time. "Be quiet, they're going to hear us" he said. He continued what he was doing and I just leaned my head back because the feeling was so good, I can't resist. "T-Teru-Terushima" I said and I ran my fingers trough his hair. I lifted his head and he looked me into the eyes. I felt his fingers, he entered inside with his middle finger and ring finger. I moaned again and it was loud. "L/N jeez, be quiet" he said. "I-I can't be q" I said and then he added another finger "QUIET!" I yelled. "We are fucked up now" he said and he got up. He leaned onto the door to hear if someone is coming. "It's okay, they don't care" he said and he came back. He removed his pants and underwear and he got on top of me. He entered me slowly and he grabbed my hands. He was looking me in the eyes and he kissed me. "Let's do this" he said.
We finished and Terushima fall next to me. He kissed me again. "I adore you" he said. I hugged him and I got a message. It was Oikawa. Strange. "L/N do you still love me?" The message said. I made confused face. "What's wrong?" Terushima said. "Nothing, just, Oikawa texted me" I said. "Can I see?" He said. I showed him the text. "Do you?" Terushima said. I do but I can't say that. "No" I said. "Then answer him" he said. I texted back saying "No, sorry. I'm with Terushima now". I put my phone down and I cuddled with Terushima. Something is wrong. I can't explain it, I just don't feel right. "Yuji! We are going home" his dad yelled from downstairs. We got up and he left. I went back to my room and my phone started ringing. I don't know whose number it is. I answered. "L/N Y/N?" The voice said. "Yes?" I said. "I'm the police commander. We found your mother dead in your neighbor's house" he said. "How? Police officer said that she left me and that she's living with a rich man" I said. "I don't know who told you that but we never got that i formation" he said. The call ended. I am shocked. I have to go back there. I started crying. I fell asleep last night crying. In the morning I told my dad what happened and we drove to my mom's house. The police was there and they arrested our neighbor. The police officer came to us. "I'm sorry for your lost. This man raped your mother and then he killed her, he was planing to do the same to you but apparently you was always with two boys and he never had the chance. We also searched his phone and he was texting your ex boyfriend I guess" He said. "What?" I said. He gave me the papers with printed messages on them. "Break up with her or I will hurt her", "don't try to call the police", "hurt her mentally" those texts were terrible. There was much more, so Oikawa actually didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to protect me. He asked me if I still love him, I told him no. And my mom is dead, I WAS THINKING THAT SHE LEFT ME! I was thinking that she's an awful person! I started crying, my life is ruined forever. Dad and I decided to stay here for the weekend. I called Iwaizumi. "Hey, can you come over. I need someone to talk to" I said. "Okay, I'm coming" he said. I tried to call Oikawa but he was not answering, he's probably mad at me. I also called Terushima. "Hey baby" he said. It was kinda early for him so he has his sleepy voice. "I'm staying here for the weekend" I said. "No, I wanted to go on a date with you" he said. "We'll go next time. Did you just wake up?" I said. "Yeahh, you woke me up" he said. "Sorry baby" I said. "I think my dad heard us last night. He was acting weird" he said. "Noo, we'll never do it again like that" I said. "It was fun tho" He said. We talked a little more and he had to go. Not longer after that, Iwaizumi arrived. He looked like he didn't sleep. "Hi" I said. He said hi back and we went inside. I sat on my bed and he sat on the chair. He looked nervous. "I tried to call Oikawa but he was not answering" I said. Iwaizumi started staring at me, he looked very nervous. "L/N Oikawa's not alive" he said. "He is! He sent me message last night" I said. "He took his own life last night" he said. "No, that's not true, I don't believe you" I said. He looked at the floor. "He gave me this. He told me to give it to you. I didn't open it" he said and he gave me a piece of paper that was folded few times. I took the paper and I started reading it "L/N, or as I liked to call you, Kawai-chan. Police found the psychopath that was sending me messages and that was manipulating me. I was so happy when I heard that, I though that we could talk about it and that we can get back like we used to be. But then I sent you a simple message, asking if you still love me. You said no. So I guess you know that I'm dead now but I still love you, I'll be watching you and I'll make sure that you'll be always happy, take care of Iwa-chan too for me". I started crying and screaming. SO IT IS MY FAULT! I'm stupid! If I just said yes he would still be with us! Iwaizumi calmed me down and he read the letter. He started crying too. "The was today" he said. I was silent, I still can't believe that this happened. I should have listened to him more, instead of that I just looked far a way to make him jealous. I laid on bed and hugged the pillow. I miss him so much, it hurst so bad. I can't take this anymore. "ITS ALL MY FAULT" I yelled. "L/N it's not, calm down" Iwaizumi said. It is, whose else would it be if it's not mine? I played with him, I made him do that! I and no one else! When I calmed down Iwaizumi left and we didn't see each other after that. On Sunday evening before I left with my dad I went to Oikawa's grave and I brought him flowers. "Hi Oikawa, I know I told you that I don't love you, but I do, I really do. I feel so guilty for this. I hope that you hear me and that you'll forgive me. I miss you and I want to be with you. I can't stop thinking about all the memories. How you were jealous on Bokuto when I went to the cinema with him, or how I gave you my whole lunch when you forgot yours. I was starving that day. Toru, please forgive me, I love you" I said and I started crying. I felt his presence, I know he's listening to me. After few minutes I got up. "I should go home. Bye Toru. I love you" I said. I wiped my tears and I headed back home. It was dark. "Hey you!" Someone yelled. I turned around and it was that officer that told me that my mom was planing to leave me. He came to me and he grabbed my wrist. "Let me go!" I said. "Your neighbor was nit the only person that killed your mother" he said that and everything went black.
"L/N you're here" I heard a voice. "Uhh, your head is kinda crushed. But don't worry, no one cares about your look here" the voice said. I only saw white light and a silhouette in front of me. "Where am I?" I said. "In heaven" the voice said. "Who are you?" I said. The person giggled. "Don't be so silly, it's me. Oikawa, we ended up together huh?" He said.

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