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"A-li, A-li, wake up!"

"Uh, Mother, Father? W-where are we?" Jiang Yanli just woke up from what she feels like the worse headache ever in her life. When the thumping on her head lessen, she takes a look at her surroundings and can see many people from the prominent sects sitting on the floor, their hand was tied up even some people still unconscious.

"We don't know a-li, it seems we can not remember the past event from yesterday." Jiang Fengmian's voice soothing the panic that starts to rise on Jiang Yanli's mind.

"Where is A-cheng? " It came up to her suddenly that her brother wasn't around, and the panic starts to rise up again.

"We haven't seen him since we woke up, he is strong he is going to be alright". There comes Madam Yu's strict voice, even though it sounds confident, Jiang Yanli can hear her concern and her own panic.

"Hey look! Isn't that Wen Qing and the Ghost General"

"They must be the one behind all of this!"

Suddenly an uproar starts from the people in the back of the room, they were trying to broke their binding off and ready to launch toward the Wen siblings. The said siblings just watching them with an incredulous look and try their best to ignore all of them.

"Jie, What happens here?" The Ghost General looking all confused try to whisper to his sister who has the angry aura surrounded her

"I don't know the last time I remember was waiting for Wei Wuxian to pick up the potato from the market and then ended up in here, our spiritual power has been sealed up by this binding". Wen Qing answered while throwing her best glare toward people who still trying to launch themselves to them.

"Xichen, when was the last time you see Wangji?". Lan Qiren also tried his best to block all of the commotions around him, if they are in the Lan sect he will punish them all instantly.

"We were in the library sorting the books, but he isn't here when I wake up". Lan Xichen can feel the inner panic for his brother's safety, he could not bear to lose him after all of the things happened. From the corner of his eyes, he can see Nie Mingjue scolding his brother for being caught with him, and on the other side of the room, he can see the Jins trying to lash out to the Wen's duo.
Trying his best to suppress the sigh from coming out, knowing whatever this is, it's not going to be a small matter.

"Well, well, look what do we have in here". A lunatic laugh suddenly heard from every corner of the room.

"Who are you ?!"

"Show yourself you coward !"

Many people start shouting at the unknown voice only to be answered by another hysterical laugh

"How impatient and impolite you guys are, is this supposed to be the act of the honorable masters of cultivation world?" The voice becomes nearer and nearer, louder and louder, they almost can feel the voice shouting beside their ears.

"Then this polite person must know the ethic to show yourself while speaking" The booming voice from Nie Mingjue makes the loud voice stop. People silently thanking Nie Mingjue for his boldness

No voice can be heard for 5 minutes, it makes all of them tense and fear for what happened next. Out of the blue, there are two big glowing panels in front of all of them, some people even jumped from the surprise.

"Well, hello masters of the cultivator, I feel honored to host all of you to watch the punishment for your past actions." A man with a worn blue robe and unkempt hair, walk from one of three-door in front of the room that they never even know existed. His eyes showing full of hatred and his smile is just like a madman. He emitting a dark aura that shouting killing intent. He makes eye contact with some of the clan's leaders then start laughing again

"W-what a lunatic, what do you want with us?" Shout young master from a smaller sect, trying to be brave even though he is shaking so bad.

" Ha ha ha ha, want? I simply just want your redemption, I want all of you to be responsible for your fallaciousness.

"Young master, we never did anything to you neither that we know you before, can this young master elaborate to us, the mistake that we have done? Ever be the polite person, Lan Xichen asks with a calm voice and smiling softly towards the unknown man. The Lan clan members trying to keep their self-composure and not be provoked by the man.

"Hoho, the Lans is indeed remarkable, still polite even in this condition. The Lan leader is indeed commendable but the clans are not white and righteous as it said."

Lan Qiren can only softly grunt at the bold comment, he is still trying to figure out the situation and the most important things, his nephew whereabout.

"I believe you notice some people are missing, rest assured they are alive, well for now." The man walks toward the door in the center in front of the room.

"Hey! Give me back my son you coward!" Yu Ziyuan upon hearing about his son lost all of her composure and thrashing hard to break and give the man lesson. But only to be hold by her husband.

"Yu Ziyuan, please calm down, I know you worry about a-cheng but we can not act rash."

"What do you know? You never care about the said son!" Yu Ziyuan switch to lashing at her husband, her voice full of venom

"A-Niang, please calm down, A-die is right we have to stay calm, the man said a-cheng is alright let's focus on that right now." Bless for the calmness voice Jiang Yanli have, the Madam yu can calm down a little.

Seeing the havoc on the jiangs, truthfully Lan Xichen also wants to lash out right now, he wants to scream at his surroundings, at this situation, his brother is nowhere to be seen and alone out there. Seeing the Lan Xichen hand start to shake a little, Lan Qiren just pats Lan Xichen back and whispering "Wangji is strong, he will be alright" over and over to him.

All of sudden, the glowing panel on the left and right of the room start showing a blurry image after a few second the image become clear and they can see Lan Wangji and Jiang

Wanyin tied up with the same binding as them in a chair. Both of them unconscious but seems unscathed.



Both man's family start screaming their name, and manage to wake them both, Lan Wanji keeps his flat face even though it's clear from his eyes, he is trying to process the situation. While on the other hand Jiang Wagyin trying hard to break the binding and screaming his family names.

"Well....well... it seems that both of you have wake up, but we still missing one guest to this party" The unknown man wicked voice can be heard from all of the room corners. After he finished his word, the panel on the center of the room start to lit up and show another blurry image

"T-that is..."

Then the image becomes clear

"Wei Wuxian!!!"

"I knew it, it must be his doing"

"Wei Wuxian what the hell are you trying to accomplish here!"

Please vote or comment if you like it, this is my first story ever, I would appreciate any constructive criticism.

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