6 | Bet On It

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"HEY," I smiled sheepishly, "is your offer still on the table?"

I felt like I was standing in the middle of a Rom-Com, my drenched body standing in his doorstep, dripping with rain water. My bandmates were behind me, also soaking wet, and I told them not to say a word until I said they could.

I didn't want them saying something insensitive to Finn.

"It's always on the table," he said, rubbing his eyes, "I'm glad you remembered it."

His curls were hanging lopsided on his head, his nose was pink, and I could see a crease mark on his right cheek. He was clearly in the middle of sleeping when I rang the doorbell.

"I'm sorry if we woke you up," I added, carefully stepping under the doorframe, "it's really late."

"It's fine," he smiled, nodding politely at the rest of my bandmates, "I'm just glad you're here."

"Are you glad I'm here?" Niall swooned, brushing his wet hair out of his face.

I narrowed my eyes, "Niall..."

Finn's cheeks went red at the sudden interjection, and I let out a disappointed sigh. This is exactly why I didn't want them to say something, because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

To my surprise, Finn smiled, "I'm very glad you're here, Niall."

Niall looked like he was about to kiss him. Rolling my eyes, I nudged the Irish-boy's shoulder, knocking him out of his temporary infatuation. He got like that every time someone paid attention to his jokes.

"I'll grab you guys some towels," Finn said, gazing at our drenched state, "the shower is upstairs to the right."

"I'm going first," Sadie called out, bolting up the stairs, "goodnight!"

"She's going to steal all the hot water," Harry complained, kicking off his shoes, "I should have called it first."

"Guys, there is no calling," I said, turning away from Finn, "we're guests, so please show a little respect."

"Oh!" Niall cut in, "by the way, you'll get a check in a few weeks, which should cover the utilities we used here!"

Finn shook his head immediately, "you guys don't need to pay me back."

"Yes, we do."

"It's fine, I promise."

"It's not fine," I said, "it's the least we can do to thank you."

Finn was hesitant, but grunted softly in understanding. Jeez, he was so kind it was making me more crazy about him. Not to mention how cute he looked in his crumpled, yellow t-shirt, and navy blue shorts. He was like an angel in human form, willing to lend his apartment to four strangers.

"Here," Finn said, handing me a white towel, "I don't want you to get sick."

I flinched in surprise, not realizing how long I had zoned out for. Niall and Harry had already disappeared from the living room, and I heard the sound of running water from upstairs. It was just me and Finn.

"Do you want hot chocolate?" He offered, sticking his thumb behind him, "I was going to make some before I went to sleep."

I nodded, shivering slightly, "sure."

Nodding towards the door behind him, he gestured for me to follow him. Tugging the towel tightly around my shoulders, I tiptoed across the wooden floor in haste. As I walked into the kitchen, Finn pointed at one of the chairs by the counter.

"Feel free to sit," he said.

Nodding, I made my way to the chair, "hopefully the storm will pass by tomorrow morning, so we can be out of your hair ASAP."

"You're more than welcome to stay here as long as you'd like."

"Are you sure? I get it if you don't feel comfortable with this, we barely know each other."

"I think we know each other," he smirked, setting down two clay mugs, "I did stitch up your ear."


"And now we're temporary roommates."

I laughed, leaning my elbows on the marble counter. It already started to smell like hot chocolate mix in the room, and the sizzle of boiling water was floating in from the stove.

"So tell me about yourself," I started, tilting my head, "Finn."

The boy glanced up from the mugs, shrugging humbly, "there's not much to tell."

"I'm willing to bet that's a lie."

"How much are you betting for?"

"Depends on what you'll tell," I grinned, raising my eyebrow.

Finn looked like he debated my bet for a second, twirling a strand of his dark hair with his finger. I watched in anticipation, taking a sip out of my drink as I waited for a response.

"I don't suppose you want to make this personal," he offered, narrowing his eyelids in taunt.

I shrugged, "how so?"

"A secret for a secret?"

Interesting. Normally I would have given it a lot of thought, but I didn't this time. He didn't seem like the kind of person that would give away my trust, and I knew I wouldn't give away his.

"You first," I said, "what's your secret?"

Finn opened his mouth to speak, but a sudden crash came from upstairs, interrupting our conversation. I could hear Harry and Niall yelling at each other from the kitchen.

"I should go check on them," Finn blushed, "and whatever they might have broken."

And just like that, he ran out of the room, leaving me alone.

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