The Audition

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Hayley POV:
I sat on the train with my headphones in going over lines, songs, everything. I sat patiently and anxiously. One more stop. Cmon train you could go just a little bit faster. The train stopped at my stop and I hopped off and walked to the building I was auditioning in. When I got in there was a tall boy standing in the audition room. Curly dirty blonde hair. And shiny blue eyes. Like mine. I walked in and he instantly locked eyes
"Uh... hey... you ,just be Hayley" he said seeming star struck
"Yes... and you are?" I asked seeming a bit confused
"Oh. Uhm. Right. I'm sorry. My names Ben... Ben Cook. I'll be reading Aaron's lines with you later on in the audition" he said with a slight smile
"Oh okay. That makes more sense. Thanks" I said
"No problem. The director will ask you to say stuff about yourself, and then you'll begin with singing, a little dance number, and then lines, I'll be in the back if you need anything" he said as he headed of to the back
"Tha-..." I was cut off by the director calling my name
"Hayley Phillip" he called out
"Here"  said slightly raising my hand
"Perfect" he said "tell us about yourself Hayley"
"I'm 18 years old, I'm from Brooklyn, I've been acting since the 3rd grade. And I'm ready for this audition" I said feeling really confident in myself
"Alright. Whenever you're ready" he said
I went through my singing in 8 minutes. Dancing in 15. And lines in 30 minutes. Felt like 1 second to me. I started heading out the door and right as I was I felt a tap n my shoulder and I quickly turned around to see Ben standing there
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said nervously
"Don't get scared, you're fine" I said laughing a bit
"No way. Me too!, the whole cast has been trying for months no ones succeeded" he said
"Is that a challenge" I asked with a small smirk on my face
"If you make it into the cast. I'm so down for a scare off" he said
"You're on Ben Cook, you're on" I said laughing a bit
"on a serious note. Not that I'm a serious person. You absolutely killed that audition" he said smiling at me
"Awe thank you, that means a lot" I said hoping he can't see me blushing
"No problem" he said
"So... do you play Aaron." I asked
"As of right now yes, kyles helping Erika with her injury so I should be in for awhile. I'm normally apart of the ensemble. Acting like a complete fool on stage" he said
"Oh, that's cute you get to be yourself" I jokes
"Ouch... but yeah you've got a point" he laughed
"So was this your broadway debut." The name Ben Cook sounded so familiar but I couldn't pin point it
"Oh god no, my broadway debut was the Billy Elliot tour, I was the on the newsies tour as race"
"That's where I know you from" i said cutting him off
"I knew that was going to come sooner or later" he laughed.
Before we knew it we were outside his apartment
"Well this is where I live. I'll see you around though" he said smiling at me walking into his house
"Yeah for sure" I said to myself as I headed back to the train station and then headed back home

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