On The face of it

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She sat infront of those thieves and secretly winked at Shahana.
Shahana understood that she was going to do a brainy thing which she always did in the time of need.

Prachi looks at everybody and says, Now as I am caught ,I think I shouldn't hide more, as the truth is revealed already what is the need to torment these creatures sir! She looks at him with stringent determination and patts the cheeks of the thieves roughly just to disgust them.

Abhi wonders what she was doing because he totally confused and went to Shahana.

Abhi: Is your sister mad or what !What is she saying ? Does she have any idea?

Shahana winks , Abhi understands that these girls have a masterplan and silently moves to a corner just to show everyone that he doesn't know anything and he is still confused.

Ranbir:(in a shock) What are you saying Prachi .

Prachi: I uttered the truth! Ranbir.

Ranbir breathes tensed and settles into the sofa . He was just confused with the scenario . Aryan with a smirk goes to him.
Aryan whispers into his ears: You silly , I think she has a plan , man .
Do you really think she is a thief!

Ranbir: Oh ! , But she should have told me.

Prachi starts into a conversation with those thieves.

Prachi: So where is the money , I have to give you the commission right!

Alia gets worried on her actions and couldn't understand what she has to do know . She orders Vikram to call the police to get those three arrested.
Vikram fakes a call , showing affirmation to Abhi , that he is too into the plan.

Prachi: Answer me ! Where is the money ? Or else I won't spare you creatures no long.

Thieves who were confused, tell her that it was with their boss!

Prachi:  Oh really , now you all would cheat me huh! I'm the boss... , did you forget ! Whom are you talking about ?Do I seem as an idiot to you both. You both didn't give me the money still.  I was the who told you both to keep the money ..where is it?? Tell me or else..(pierces their faces with her eyes in utmost accusation , creating panic.)

Thieves:( fear) What!! We don't have the money ...
Prachi fakes anger and runs to the dining table and gets  her clutch on a sharp knife.
She points the knife at them.

Prachi: You cheaters ! You liars . I promised you both of commission , Even Brutus wasn't pardoned for his traitory , you both are nothing ... Give me  my money back , or else..I can go a long way.Let me tell you I have murdered many. I may appear decent , but don't judge me by looks. I may appear naive but I'm no less than a killer.

Shahana joins in the mishap , and screams "We told them to come to our adda  for the money! "
Everyone gets confused with what was happening.
Prachi: Hope you remember which adda it is .
And points the knife even closer..
The thieves resist to utter a word.

Prachi: See I'll be bailed out very easily , even if I kill you . Because my mother has her influences everywhere.
She started speaking in a high tone

Thieves get afraid and say hurriedly without leaving a gap for their breathe to expire , even without realising they uttered a lot ," but we are saying we don't have the money , we just stole it from your house  and gave it to Sanju, we don't know your adda!"

Prachi: Sanju?!

Theif1: Yes , Sanju , he is our boss , not you .... Now you keep this knife aside. Or else our boss won't leave you.

The thief bites his tongue on his grievous mistake. The way he ejected the truth was nothing less than an idiot's words.
Alia bangs her head in dismay.

Prachi moves back on her victory. But she was worried about the mess that Sanju has created in her life. She was worried of the consequences now she had to face.
Abhi hits them hard .
Everyone get astonished, knowing the real truth behind such a damp plan.

Ranbir calls the Police .
Alia gets even more anxious but , for now she was on a safer side . She secretly tells them not to speak anymore  and  to not at all utter a clue about her or else she wouldn't let them get bailed out . The thieves were caught into the mud , they can't do anything now.

Police comes and arrest those thieves . They assure Abhi that they would track that Sanju as soon as possible.

Alia rushes to her room , as she was too tensed , because if Sanju would be caught , she would be in a big soup. Rhea followed her. They get into making evil plans again, which they were the best at.

Shahana and Prachi , drop a tear of relief and hug each other .

Ranbir: You don't appear that cunning , but you are!

Abhi: It wasn't cunning , it's called smartness..
Vikram: which Ranbir lacks.

All laugh. Prachi and Ranbir exchange smiles and well wishes.

Dida comes and hugs the brave girl, and apologises the way she and her family behaved.
Pallavi comes to her and asks her to pardon her for not putting faith in her , " I am really sorry dear , I should have believed you. You can punish me the way you want. I am always wrong , please forgive me."

Prachi suggests  mockingly ,"Why don't you make some kheer for me , I heard you make good."

Ranbir gets mesmerized at her forgiveness .
Aryan in a teasing way,"She is the best choice for you"! Ranbir blushes seeing his girl.

So there's  happy ending  to every good in this world . One day or the other the evil minds will get punished for all the sins they had committed.

The villains  here now would make their plans as usual to spoil the good around them.

But our Prachi is proven innocent . Good  always deserves good. She was brave and confident.

Do tell me how it was , and  yes don't forget to vote and comment.
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