BFB: Fubble

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Requested by Ilikemintoreos

Quick Note
Hello, sorry for such a long wait! I've been putting down this book for quite a while but I'm finally going to continue it again!

This takes place before BFB 16 if anyone was wondering.

Bubble's POV

Fanny and I have been dating for the past few months. She's really nice and sweet once you get to know her. Iance of course, doesn't really like her but I don't care. 

I've been trying to give her kisses but she always runs away. I guess she's not really into PDA. She's just so cute when she's flustered.. Oh, how I love Fanny. I just wish we had more time alone together.. That would be perfect.. Just the two of us, hugging, spending quality time with each other... As if we're the only people in the world.. Privacy is very rare these days-

"Hey Bubble are you done zoning out?"

I look up to see a slightly annoyed Fanny. 

"Oh, hi Fanny! Yeah sorry, I got lost in thought."


"Hey.. have you um... ever just wanted to be alone.. like.. with me?"

"Bubble, I.."

She blushed a deep blue.

"Okay, maybe I'm being a bit too forward but Fanny we've been dating for months now.. We should at least try to spend some more time together alone."

"Listen Bubble.. I've been wanting to spend time with you for such a long time now. I just hate how everyone has to be around us... As if they're trying to get into our personal business."

"Aww.. Fanny.."

"Actually... I think we're alone..."

I looked up, realizing she was right. We are alone. Before I could react, Fanny leaned in and gave me a quick peck. 

"Never speak of this to anyone."

I stood there, flustered. My face was probably hotter than Firey. 
Did that really just happen? Was this the first time she has tried kissing me without asking me?
I kinda.. liked it.. 

I looked over to her and she was facing away from me, quietly cursing herself. 
I pulled her back into a quick kiss and then pulled away.
She look at me with her face a deep shade of blue. 

"I hate it when you surprise me with a kiss!"

I giggled and we spent the entire afternoon hugging.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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