Wake up

56 2 1

Regular storyline: Hospital

David lets out a sigh from nervousness and fear of what will happen next. He holds on the phone tight until his knuckles are white. His eyes get a bit watery and his speech is a bit slurred as he tries to speak to his wife.

"Hello? Who is this?" Mary Margaret ask.

"It's me, David." David says anxiously

"Oh, you're safe! I was a bit worried, but now that you called, I feel a lot better. Are Henry and Hook okay?" Mary Margaret ask

"Yeah, Henry is fine, but Hook has seen better days. He's in the OR now." David says

"Oh no, okay, the hospital isn't that far from here. I'll bring something then you, me, and Emma can visit him." Mary Margaret says and an uncomfortable silence fills the room.

David has a hard time collecting his thoughts; his words are floating around his head, but he can't find the right ones. His hands are sweaty and his mouth is dry.

"I am so sorry, Mary Margaret." David says tearfully

"For what?" Mary Margaret ask

"I couldn't save her." David says

"Who couldn't you save, David?" Mary Margaret says worriedly

"I failed, Snow and I lost our daughter." David says and silence fills both ends.

"What happened?" Mary Margaret says

"Zelena had this gem thing and it had this thick needle. She stabbed Emma then Emma got absorbed in the gem." David says gloomily

"We're going get our daughter back, David." Mary Margaret says

"I know we will, but I need you to stay or try to stay calm because we don't want to harm the baby, okay?" David says

"I'll stay calm until our daughter is with us." Mary Margaret says

"Hook?" Dr. Wales says and David turns to him.

"Dr. Wales is done. I'll see you later, I love you." David says

"I love you too, David." Mary Margaret says as they both hang up.

As David hangs up the phone, the glass sliding door opens. Regina and Henry walk inside and David is confused. He ignores Dr. Wales for the moment and walks towards Regina.

"I told you to take him to your place." David says

"He wanted to see Hook and he wouldn't settle for no, so we walked to a safe spot and we vanished." Regina says as they both look at Dr. Wales waiting.

"If I may continue, he made it through the surgery, but it came with a price." Dr. Wales says

"What do you mean?" Henry says

"He came in without a pulse due the internal hemorrhaging. He's bloody looked like he was hit by a truck. He has four broken ribs, his stomach is popped, his skull is fracture, internal bleeding, one collapsed lung, and deep lacerations." Dr. Wales says

"So what is the end result?" David ask fearing the answer

"He's in a coma for the time being. This is the body's way of recovering from extensive amount of damage. He can hear you, but he won't communicate back." Dr. Wales says

"Do you know when he will wake up?" Henry ask

"No, I am fear not." Dr. Wales says

"Can we see him?" David says

"He's on the first door to the right. Don't touch any of the machines, it is the only thing keeping him alive until he wakes." Dr. Wales say as he walks away.

"Thank you, Doctor." Regina says

They walk into the room Hook was assigned. It is an unpleasant sight, but it is keeping him alive. The tube inside his mouth is helping him breathe properly, his heart monitor is beating at a steady rate, and his two I.V bags are placed beside him; one is for fluids and one is for blood. They walk inside the quiet room, but Henry runs towards Hook. He looks at him with worry as each cut on his face is placed with bandages or stiches.

"Mom, can you put a protective shield on his heart, in case Zelena gets it, please?" Henry begs and Regina nods. She waves her hand gracefully over Hook's chest then stops.

"Okay, he has it." Regina says

"Do you think you can fix him?" Henry ask

"I wish, sweetie, but this is extensive amount of damage and I don't think I can fix this." Regina says softly and Henry drops his head with defeat.

"He'll make it, Henry. I think he has had worst." David says as he squeezes Henry's shoulder gently.

"Look, I don't want you out here to long, so I want you to go with your mother back to her place. At least there, you are protected." David says as he looks at Henry.

"Okay, grandpa." Henry says

"Hey, Hook will be alright and we will get your mom back." David says and Henry lets out a tiny smile. He hugs David and leaves with Regina.

David turns around to look at Hook's battered body as he sits on the chair next to the bed. He lets his head drop between his hands then slowly pushes his hands towards his hair then to the crook of his neck. He look at Hook and lets out a deep breathe.

"I know you can hear me, so I want you to know that we will get Emma back. I want to say thank you for looking after Henry when you two were in the castle. You may have had a twisted past, but I do think you are changing for the better. You're a good man, Hook and I can see why Emma may like you. I may not like you as much, but I do think you treat my daughter right. Keep fighting, Hook and try to wake up." David says as he pats Hook's arm.

He gets up slowly as Hook's monitor beeps in a steady pace. David walks towards the door and looks at Hook one more time, before he leaves.

"Come on, Hook." David whispers as he closes the door silently.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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