Chapter 4

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Isabella's POV
Once I got home I parked my car and went into the kitchen to make me some dinner. After dinner, I went upstairs and took a shower and went straight to bed considering it was already 7:30 pm.

I woke up around 9 am and did my morning routine which was brushing my teeth, washing my face, getting dressed, and doing my hair. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Bekah.

"Hello." She answered after the third ring. "Hey, what are you doing right now?" I asked while grabbing my bag from yesterday that still had everything in it. "Nothing just got done showering." She said. "Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked walking into my garage and towards my bike.

"No, why?" She questioned. "Send me your address." I said getting on my bike. "Okay..." She said and a few seconds later my phone went off. "Do you have the stuff to make breakfast with at your house?" I questioned while putting her on speaker and looking up the directions to her place.

"Yes." She replied. "Good, finish getting ready. If your brothers are home make sure they know I'm coming over. Where is your kitchen?" I asked. "When you walk in go past the stairs and it's the fourth door." She said. "Alright be there in a few." I said before hanging up and starting my bike.

(Her Helmet) Luckily I have photographic memory so I don't have to look at the map

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(Her Helmet)
Luckily I have photographic memory so I don't have to look at the map. I arrived at the Mikaelson Mansion within ten minutes because I went over the speed limit. I turned off my bike, took my helmet off, and walked right in since they knew I was coming.

When I walked pasted the livingroom I heard Klaus say "You do know you're supposed to knock before entering right love?" I turned to him and said, "Yes I do but I called ahead of time so If you'll excuse me I have breakfast to make." I then turned back around and walked off towards the kitchen.

When I walked in I saw Elijah and Kol drinking coffee. "Good morning." I said before walking around and collecting everything I needed to make pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs. "Good morning Darling." Kol said looking at me curiously. "Good morning Isabella, may I ask what you're doing?" Elijah asks putting his cup down.

"Making breakfast." I said putting the bacon in the pan. "Yes I can see that but why are you making breakfast here?" Elijah questioned. "Why not make it here?" I asked mixing the eggs. Elijah didn't say anything and both Klaus and Kol laughed.

"Bella!" I heard Bekah scream before she busts through the door. "Bekah!" I say stopping what I'm doing and running to her tackling her into a hug. We fall on the ground laughing before pulling away and standing up.

"What happened to telling them I was coming over?" I asked going back over to the eggs and putting them in and then flipping the bacon. "Sorry, I thought I would have more than ten minutes before you walk in like you own the place." She says laughing towards the end.

"Well, they are going to have to get used to it bestie." I said making the pancake mix. "Is that so?" Klaus questioned walking over to me. "Yes, at least three times a week." I said continuing to make the pancake mix. "Love, you do realize this is my house right?" He questioned while tending to the eggs.

"Yep!" I said pouring some pancake mix in a pan. They all just laughed, after a while everything was done and we were all sitting down eating. "What are we doing after this?" Bekah questioned. "Come over to my place. We can go swimming, watch movies in the theater, get totally wasted in the bar, play games in the game room, or go bowling." I said before taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Wow, you have all of that in your house?" Bekah asked with wide eyes. I laughed "I have all of that on one floor." "That's awesome." She said before taking a drink of her water. "So is that a yes to coming over?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, you can count me in." She said smiling. I looked at the others "What about you guys?" Kol smiled "Of course I'll come Darling." I smiled and looked at Klaus "Only so I can randomly barge in when your least expecting it." He said causing me to laugh.

I then looked at Elijah, he seemed hesitant. "I'm not sure." he said. "Please Lijah, it'll be fun and if you get bored I have a huge library that you can go too." I begged using my puppy dog eyes. He signed getting up and putting his plate in the sink "I guess I'll accompany you as well."

I immediately got up and ran to him hugging him while saying "Thank you" over and over again. After a few seconds he hugged me back "You're welcome." we pulled apart and I smiled at him before turning around and walking back to the table grabbing my plate and taking it over to the sink to wash it.

"You don't have to do that love we have maids." Klaus said bringing his plate over. "Did you hire them or did you compel them?" I asked him as I grabbed a clean towel to dry it. "You wash, I'll dry." He said taking the towel from me and I smiled before going back and washing the other dishes.

After we finished I turned to them and asked "When are we leaving?" "After we grab a few blood bags and our swimwear." Bekah said. "No need to get the blood bags, just your swimwear." I said leaning on the counter.

They all looked at me confused before walking off to get what they need. "Alright, Darling let's go." Kol said once everyone was ready to go. "I'm riding with Bella." Bekah said and started walking out the door.

We walked out and they all looked at my bike confused and I walked over and got on. "Well, are you just going to stand there or get on?" I asked Bekah while handing her a helmet that matched mine.

She smiled and went to grab the helmet but Kol snatched it from my hand. "No. I'm going and I'm driving." I laughed at him "Yeah not going to happen." I said before speeding over to him and taking the helmet.

I grabbed Bekah and brought her over to the bike before any of them could react. Kol pouted and we all laughed. "Maybe next time Darling." I said smirking as Bekah got on. We put on our helmets even though we didn't need them since we can't die.

I made sure the guys were ready to go be. "Hold on bekah I like to go fast." I said before starting my bike. We made it to my mansion within five minutes since we were doing over 200 mph.

"Are you crazy? You could have died!" Klaus yelled once he got out of his car with the guys. I laughed before saying "We're all a little crazy." He just rolls his eyes making me let out a small laugh and he smiles.

"This place is amazing Bella." Bekah says looking around. "Wait until you see the inside." I say unlocking the door "Come in." I say once I open the door. "Wow." Kol says looking around in awe along with Bekah, Nik, and Lijah.

"You have a beautiful home Isabella." Elijah says  smiling. "Thank you Lijah." I say smiling at him. "We are definitely doing sleepovers here." Bekah says while walking into the living room. "You guys are welcome to stay over anytime." I said sitting down on one of the couches.

"What are we going to do first?" Kol asks taking a seat beside me. "Whatever you guys want to do." I say "Let's go swimming and then we can order some pizza and watch a movie." Bekah says excitedly. I laugh at her excitement. "Alright let's get this party started." I say standing up from the couch and they all laugh before following me upstairs.

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