Seriously ?

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Ah, what horrible luck you had, after spending so many months trying to save up to buy the newest edition of demon slayer, your irresistible luck shows up..and by that I mean you're currently being chased by some maniac who wants to kill you.

Sure, you wanted to die but dying after you finally got your hands on the newest addition is not what you had in mind and boy were you pissed. It was at times like this you regretted staying cooped up in your room watching anime and snacking away; your stamina was shit and the fact that you refused to eat properly was also not helping you.

Turning around a corner into some shady alley that you hoped, no, prayed that it could help you as it was the only option you had and unfortunately, god wasn't your biggest fan, because you were met with a wonderful dead end and a trash bin.

Well, since push came to shove, maybe hiding behind this trash can was a good idea.

Hiding behind the trash bin, you tried to calm your erratic breathing, you had to finish this manga, even if that meant fighting this person...oh who the hell were you kidding, you couldn't even run this much and you wanted to fight a person.

All hope left your body once you heard footsteps in the alley and when you saw the stop right in front of you, you could only hope your mother would miss you.

It was an ok life.

"You must really be some next level of stupid, did none of that manga reading teach you how cliché it is to hide behind a trash can?" The voice seethed out.

Mustering the courage to look up, you saw someone you'd definitely fall for if it weren't for the fact he's going to murder you.

"You know, Haruto's been awfully close to you. Talking to you, walking with you around campus, eating your food. It's..simply unacceptable, I won't let you do it ever again, NEVER!"

...was..was he serious? You were going to die at the hands of a yandere FOR SOME STUPID REASON? IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT HARU SHITHEAD DIDN'T KNOW THE MEANING OF 'GET AWAY' OR 'LEAVE ME ALONE' and now you had to pay the price of not being able to read your manga.

Before you could say another word, a seething pain bloomed in your stomach..fuck, this really sucked, it hurt beyond reason.

Skill unlocked: resistance to pain.

..what..was that? Perhaps all your anime bingeing nights had finally caught up to you and you were actually going insane. Kinda reminded you of a certain slime.

If only you could heal yourself though.

Skill unlocked: healing

Of all the days your brain decided to give up on you, why today? Why the hell did you have a voice in your brain?

Acquaintance gained:Ryuu

You let out a sigh as you closed your eyes, hopefully the beyond was much better.


The beyond was in fact, not better, why you ask?

Because the pretty boy who murdered you was there.

His crimson eyes glared at you "You're finally here, Good. Now hurry up and touch the book, I want to get through my suffering fast."

This..piece of shit

"How about no? I don't even know this place and not to mention why the hell would I take orders from you, you killed me, remember?" You flipped him off, you were not going to risk your life (again)

"Ask the system." He said, looking away.

Before you could ask him what he meant, you felt yourself being pulled back, and the worst part? Your hand touched the book.

You were going to rip the fool to shreds next time.


"Ara, how did you get in here?" You heard a man ask with all the emotion of burnt paper.

Mentally hyping yourself for the ordeal, you opened your eyes to be met with multi coloured ones.

"Woah, your eyes look super pretty dude."


"Yea- WAIT A MINUTE." You quickly sat up whipping your head around to see all the figures in the room.

Six figures, six moons

As you heard the sound of a sword unsheathing you turned around just in time for you to see your murderer block a move from uppermoon one.

"It would be in your best interest to stand still."

Before your brain could catch up to what was happening, another voice cut in.

" Enough , what is going on here ?"

Standing behind you in all his glory, was the demon lord.


ooo revamped work 


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