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This picture (above) isn't downloaded from Pinterest or anywhere else. In fact it's not a picture. Rather a photograph. 15 years old photograph. Today,I came across it while turning the pages of an old album..

Who are the persons in it? Well it's the little me and my dad playing on the seashore. It reminded me about the game we used to play all the time whenever we visited the beaches,until.. I turned 8. We would stand on the beach while he'd hold my hand and we'd wait for the waves to come and chase us. We'd start running in the opposite direction and whenever the waves went back,we'd move towards the sea even farther..

He actually taught me something by this game,perhaps unknowingly. And my 2 years old self learnt it,also unknowingly though,it took me years to realize it.

: problems come to everyone's life and we all are well aware of it. What we should do is to keep preparing ourselves  mentally and play with it. Yes. Play with it. In the same way we'd play with the sea. Let your problems (and/or problem creators) know that you're well aware of them and waiting to embrace them. And make it as impossible for them as you can,to reach you without leaving the field. Let your confidence and giggles frighten your problems and when they back off,just head towards your destination.!

When they can't scare you,they get more and more scared of every smile of yours and every step you take forward. Even in the battle of violence,smile wins. :)

Shine with your smile.!


Whenever you feel down and horrible memories overwhelm you,just take out an old photo-album. Cause we tend to capture only good memories with cameras. Bad ones can be found in our minds' darkest parts..


After the age of 8,certain things made me introverted. I'd be with everyone but not with them at the same time.. I'd sit alone,apart from everyone in beaches and stare at the waves blankly & silently rather than playing our favorite game. I'd deny even if my dad asked me to play..

But not anymore. Somehow,I feel guilty about it today. I know,it might sound crazy or something,but I really do feel guilty. When life helds out a hand,we just gotta grab it immediately. Cause it doesn't do it so often. I didn't grab it sometimes back then.

But today,the little girl of the photograph,promised herself that she'd ask her dad to play their favorite game the next time,they visit the coasts. Even if the 2 years old turn 20 by then.. ❀


Q. What did you learn from an old photograph?

Spurs of my mind.. :)Where stories live. Discover now