1. Cakes

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It was a regular day  at The flower dragon. The coffee shop was relatively quiet today as it was raining quite badly. Kaede decide she would start to pack up early as there was only ten minutes left before they closed anyway. She assumed it wouldn't matter as no one was coming in anyway.
Just as she was about to tidy everything away a girl who looked around her age with floor length brunette hair tied with read scrunchies walked in. She was soaked with water and did not look happy at all.
"Hello and welcome how may I help you?" Kaede greeted the mysterious female.
"I'll have one latte with hazelnut syrup." She replied trying her best to avoid eye contact.
"Eat in or to go?" She asked as she began to prepare the coffee.
She earned a blunt reply from the customer. "To go."
"That's a shame I was hoping a pretty lady such as yourself would have stayed longer." Kaede said with a smirk "I'll also need your name."
Taken aback by this strangers move she only managed to stutter her name witch was very out of character "Harukawa Maki."
"Well Harukawa san your drink will be ready shortly!"
Maki went and sat at one of the tables that was furthest away from any of the people in the store. Not that there were many customers, probably around three most likes all regulars. She looked out the window watching the rain full getting lost in thought.
Maki was brought back to reality by her name being called.
"One latte for a Miss Harukawa!"
Happy to finally be going home, she made her way to the front desk. As she was about to pay she noticed a box which she assumed had a sort of cake inside. "I didn't order that" she said plainly pointing to the box.
"It's on the house. Maybe it will entice you to come back so I can see your pretty face again" Kaede laughed lightly.
Completely taken aback Maki's face began to turn red. "Are your flirting with me?" She questioned avoiding eye contact once again.
"Perhaps. You won't find out unless you come back again." She giggled before turning her attention to the customer that had just walked in.
Maki took the coffee and the box and left the shop. When she got outside she looked through the window to see her barista wave at her. She waved back despite being embarrassed. Maki walked to the nearest bus station and waited for what seemed like an eternity but it was actually only four minutes.
Maki finally reached her destination and was relieved to some extent to be home. Now of course she had to deal with the annoying brat, and the orphans.

Maki fumbled with her keys struggling to find to find the right one . Eventually she managed to find the right key and open the door. As she steeped through the door she found her keys onto the nearby table and took her shoes and coat off.
"OUMA YOUR COFFEE IS HERE!" Maki yelled as she assumed he was upstairs. That assumption was proven correct when she heard him jumping down the stairs.
"Thank you maki chan~~~" Kokichi was about to wrap his arms around Maki just to annoy her but decided against it when he was how wet she was. That didn't stop him from practically snatching the coffee out of her hands.
"Ooh what's that?" His interest peaked again when he say the box in Maki's hands.
"Mine" she stated coldly "I'm going to have a bath." As she begins to traverse up the staircase.
Maki never really cared for confections but as this one was gifted to her it felt to personal to give it away. She finally reached the top of the stairs and turned into the bathroom to begin running her bath.
After pouring way to much bubble bath in Maki went across the hall into her room and picked out some sleep wear. It was just a plain oversized t shirt but it would do. She placed the mystery box of cake onto her dresser for her to try when she had gotten out of the bath.
When the bath was ready Maki sensed a wave of comfort wash over her. She just sat there for a while feeling unmotivated to get out of the bath and put move. It felt as if her bones were broken she had been out on a few to many missions and had forgotten to take care of herself so it was nice to feel so warm. Unfortunately she did have to move to wash her hair which she was not looking forward to as it took so long. Cleaning her body didn't take nearly as long so she wasn't to fussed about that.
Begrudgingly Maki sat up and began to massage the shampoo through her hair. Next was the conditioner which was quite easy.
After around an hour Maki had gotten out of her bath and put her pyjamas.
Having forgotten about the cake that sat on top of her dresser Maki decided to go straight to bed after putting the orphans to sleep. As she was about to climb into bed she noticed the small box, not wanting whatever that was inside to go bad she decided to eat it before bed. When she opened the box she was greeted by one of the few cakes she did like, a raspberry bakewell slice. Maybe she would return to the coffee shop it would be impolite not to.

Author's note
929 words! Anyway thank you for reading the first chapter I hope you enjoyed it and will stick around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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