I remember, it was aprox. 4 in the morning and I, for some reason, woke up at 3:30. I had absolutely nothing to do with my life, so I just sat there like a psychopath, listening to complete silence 'till I got bored of it and played some lo-fi music. That was untill 5:30, when my mom woke up and made me a coffee that I enjoyed on the porch. Then, at 6:00, you could find me taking unnecessarily many walks in the back yard.
At 7:30, my day started like any other normal day. Did some of my school work, then sketched and painted some random creatures of mine. By the hour of 10:00, I began to waste my time, like usual. Then I remembered the revelation I had back at 4 a.m..... "If one of the ToyStory toys died, the kid would still play with the corpse."
This was made to give you an idea of my late night/early morning thoughts :D Aren't they brilliant??