The attack (Abbigail x Vulcannus)

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I couldn't think of a title ;-;
Abbicannus requested by  @Irlxnda :>
Aka Abbigail x Vulcannus
Let's just say there's some battle happening and yeah-

Luna let out a roar and sent another fireball into the sea of undead flooding the ablaze village.
Abbigail fired an arrow and took out a zombie trying to break into one of the houses, but it was immediately replaced by two more.
A skeleton shot their bow towards an ender Dragon flying overhead, making it screech in pain and fly out of range.
“There are too many of them! We need to fall back for now, have all the citizens been evacuated?”
An ender Dragon flew towards her and the rider answered, “The citizens are being led to safety by one of our knights, we just got word they are requesting backup near the bridges by Amaria!” 
“I can handle this,” Abbigail brought Luna towards the sky and began to fly south east of her knights and the burning village.

.        .        .

It was no challenge to locate the source of distress. The queen flew until she spotted a hoard of zombies having just ambushed the survivors of the village.
Luna roared to get the villager's attention as she readied to attack the undead.
She landed on the side of the bridge and sprayed a wave of purple fire over the zombies, killing many of them instantly.
Abbigail dismounted and began to cut down many of them that were chasing after the villagers.
Luna shot a fireball towards one just as it was shot by Abbigail, the fireball missed and set the bridge on fire.
“Luna!” The queen scolded her Dragon and quickly mounted again, making sure no one else was on the bridge, then took off into the air.
She made a full turn and began to fly back towards the village.
She was over the forest when an arrow suddenly whizzed towards them. It pierced Abbigail in the shoulder and sent her falling toward the ground below.
Luna roared out and stopped flying mid air when she realized her rider was gone. Another arrow shot at the Dragon and stabbed her shoulder.
She hovered upwards and began scanning the thick trees for the end queen when another arrow flew towards her and barely missed her tail. Realizing there were many skeletons, she flew up and away from the area.
Abbigail landed in a bush in the large forest. She lay still for a moment and slowly got to her feet.
She began to pull leaves out of her hair when she suddenly felt something moist in it. She drew back her hand and examined the metallic liquid coating her palm.
She looked down at her armor and noticed the color was flickering and fading like a lamp, it wouldn't last much longer.
She stood up and looked into the sky. She caught a glimpse of her dragon struggling to find a landing spot.
She looked back down and scanned the area, until her eyes landed on a dark rock poking out from a thick cluster of vines.
Immediately recognizing the material, she limped her way towards it and steadied herself against it.
She slowly removed the vines to reveal a deactivated nether portal.
Many portals such as this one dotted Ardonia, and they were often used as escape routes or hiding areas since the realm was no longer a menacing threat.
The only real threat was undead.
Abbigail felt around in her inventory until she pulled out a flint and steal.
She looked back towards the portal, unsure.
An arrow cut through the trees and crashed into the obsidian border of the portal and fell to the ground.
The queen quickly turned to see a skeleton and a few zombies approaching her. Thinking fast, she bent down and ignited the portal before sprinting through it, just as another arrow went past her.

Abbigail fell to the ground in the new realm and her body screamed in pain from the impact. She clenched her teeth and got to her feet.
It took her a moment to notice the nether brick floor surrounding her, then she looked up.
She realized she was in Nazgard, home of the netherans.
She felt relief wash over her, not having to deal with any more enemies before she could be rescued. She supported herself on the portal once again.
She took a moment to catch her breath when a male's voice suddenly rang out.
“Queen Abby!” 
She didn't need to look to recognize the voice. She slowly turned to see the king of the nether making his way towards her.
“Vulcannus, it is good to see you again,” she managed as he stopped in front of her.
“Abby, are you alright?”
She forced a weak nod. “I'm alright, just got chased a bit,” she lied. Vulcannus eyed her wounds with concern. “You do not look alright Queen Abby. We need to get you some medical treatment.”
“No no, really, I'm ok-” her words came to a halt as her knees fell under her. Vulcannus quickly caught her before she hit the floor.
“You are not ok, and I will not rest until I am assured you are,” he stated.
He helped her upwards and allowed her to lean against his shoulder. He called over a netheran which Abbigail assumed was likely someone who could help.
“Queen Abbigail is heavily wounded. Get her treatment and some rest,” he ordered. The netheran nodded and took the queen from his arms and led her away.

.        .        .

Abbigail woke up in a small room, with only a bed, a netherrack table, and a loose painting of an orange sun setting over a lava sea.
She sat up, pain shot up her body as she did so. She noticed bandages wrapped around her ankle and a few lining up her arms. She felt her hair and realized there was one around her head too.
She turned to the side and her legs fell over the bed. She stood up, nearly falling had it not been for the support of the table nearby.
The door was suddenly pushed open and Vulcannus walked into the room.
“How are you feeling, Queen Abby?” She managed a smile. “Better than before, how long was I out?”
“Not long, little less than an hour. Can you walk?” He asked.
She stood up and let go of the table. She wobbled around a bit before regaining her balance. She felt it slip away and grabbed here the table again. “A bit.”
He nodded and walked towards her. He held out his hand. “Need some help getting outside?”
She hesitantly grabbed his hand and supported herself on his shoulder as he lead them out the door.
“So how did you get into the nether anyway? It's been two years since I last saw you.”
She tried to remember the events that had occurred earlier that night, until she recalled falling off Luna and finding the portal.
“A village was under attack by undead. I was shot down from my Dragon and found the portal,” she explained.
Vulcannus thought for a moment before he asked, “Amaria?”
“How did you know?”
“Our portals are labeled by where they lead. You came out of the portal labeled Amaria,” he explained to her.
“That is where I was, but the attack was in Belestar.”
“We do not have any portals in Belestar. The closest are the one in Amaria and Blendaya Bay.”
“You have portals in Blendaya bay?”
“They are from the first Great War. My father created it to direct attack Hyperia. We also have one in Isuma, mainly to replenish on ores though.”
“I have heard it has some diverse cave systems.”
“What you hear is true. The majority of all of our weapons' ores are harvested from that island. Did you know that is also where Hydraphel and Crown Peak even got most of their resources?”
“I did not.”
“Not much anymore, but back then there were many trades revolving around that one island, and it still holds more than enough to create an entire armory for Oakendale.”
When the two made their way towards the portal, Abbigail was finally able to walk on her own. Vulcannus stopped in front of the portal.
“I wish you safe travels Queen Abby. I hope we meet again,” he said. She smiled and turned to the portal.
“Oh, and Vulcannus?”
He was about to walk away but stopped. “Yes?”
“Thank you,” she said before she stepped into the portal.
Vulcannus smiled to himself and walked back into Nazgard.

Eh I'm not the best at writing ships, but I hope this was enough TvT
God I ship 'em so much

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