Nayuta become a cat

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“Hmm, where am I?” Nayuta woke up and notice that his surroundings are different, he is at the campus, when he tried to stand he notice that his line of sight became lower. When he look down he noticed two white arms or to be exact paws.

“HUH!!!” Nayuta shouted, “What happen? Why am I seeing this cat paws right now?” He noticed some glasses at the side and when he look at it, he can see a white cat with red eyes. “Why am I looking like that? Am I dreaming? What happen?” Nayuta asked to himself.

“Oh! Look a cat! So cute!” Nayuta looked at the back and he noticed three girls coming to him and ready to pat his head. Before they touch his head, he scratch one of the girls and hissed to them before running off.

“Ouch, what a bad cat!”

“The hell! Those gross people trying to touch me!” Nayuta thought to himself while running away. He will not allow anyone to touch him easily or pat him.

Nayuta suddenly feel tired from running away, he notice a bench and he hop and sat there. “Now, I need to think of a way to go back to normal, or else he will be a laughing stock to Gyroaxia and may eat the same thing as Nyankotarou if he will stay as a cat.

“Hmm, what is a cat doing here?” Nayuta heard a soft voice nearby, he is too tired to run away now, when he looked up he felt like there are stars around and there is a blinding light coming from that person. Nayuta felt safe all at a sudden. He know this person and he hope he will be the one who will help him.

The boy sat next to Nayuta, and smiled at him. “Ahh, that smile, so pretty!” Nayuta thought to himself but suddenly realized what is he thinking and start to shaked his head. “The hell am I thinking, this Nanahoshi smile is pretty?!! And what about those stars!!”

“Are you lost little cat? You should not be in this campus, someone may take you. You need to go home to your owner now.” Ren started talking to Nayuta-cat. “Are you hungry? I only have this burger right now.” Ren offered his favorite chinese chicken burger to Nayuta-cat.”Oh, is it okay to give this kind of food to cats?”

“How would I know? And I am not a cat!” Nayuta shouted at Ren but he knows that Ren may only heard him said meow~

“Eh..” Ren suddenly look around like someone just tall to him. “No one is here, but I thought I heard Nayuta-kun. Am I thinking about him too much?” Ren said to himself. Nayuta heard it, and stared at Ren.

“You can hear me?” Nayuta asked Ren. But Ren start to look around again like he sense some ghost.

“Eh, I am hearing Nayuta-kun, but where is he? Did he become a ghost and started to hunt me?” Ren closed his eyes and pit his palm together. “Sorry, Nayuta-kun, I know I asked you lots of things but please rest in peace.”

“Oy, don’t kill me suddenly, I am not dead!”

“Ehhhh, Nayuta-kun, are you hiding somewhere, are we playing hide and seek?”

“Nanahoshi, I am here, sitting beside you!”

Ren looked at Nayuta-cat and then on the other side. “But I am the only person here and this cat-“ Ren stopped and looked af the white cat beside him, he stared at it and look at it closely. “Nayuta-kun?”

“Yes! I am Nayuta. This cat you are looking now!”

“Ehh!!! How?! Why?! What happen?!” Ren asked to Nayuta-cat.

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