fight of killahead

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Khal pov

We road back to Camelot. It had only taken us 5 minutes to ride back to the castle. The ride back was slowly calming me down. I was more shaken up with the thought of me hurting Morgana, that scared me more then anything. Am I capable of hurting someone? Could I hurt Douxie? I don't want to do that.

I shake my head as we reached the entrance. I weakly walked my hoarse to his stables and got him some food before I made my way to my room as Morgana went to find Merlin.

I stumble into my room and slammed it shutish, I had shut it to hard so it opened itself about 4 inches. I didnt care as I stumble over to my bed. I rip the blanket down and got under it. As quickly as I could, I pulled the thick blanket on top of me and within seconds of my head hitting the hard pillow I was out. I rested for what seemed like hours but was only about an hour before I was woken up in a sweat an panic.

"Khaleesi we need you! Now!" Douxie said frantically.

(Because the events of wizards I'm not fully sure how the fight with killahead bridge went so please bare with me)

My head snaps to Douxie with wide eyes, confusions and fear was all I could feel as I throw the blankets off me "What!" I say in fear.

"We need to make the amulet now! The war is about to start!" He says dragging me from my room. My heart was racing as we ran as fast as we could down to Merlin and Morgana room.

We entered the room fast, Douxie falls over his on feet as I looked around the room for Morgana but couldn't see her anywhere.

"Where's Morgana? Were going to need her help" I asked looking at them.

Douxie pov

"Where's Morgana? Were going to need her help" Khal asked looking around for Morgana.

"Khaleesi dear, Morgana she, she's not with us, on our side" Merlin says walking towards her. Khaleesi expression showed pain and sadness. "Arthur has cut her hand off, and in my thinking we can use it for the amulet" he says showing the table behind him that held the tools and hand of Morgana.

Khaleesi brought her left hand up to her chest and the right hand to her head in shock. She slowly stepped back until her back hits the wall, she covers her mouth as tears stream down her beautiful face and slowly slides down to the ground with more tears falling from her pained eyes, her body sank to the ground with tears streaming down her face.

Merlin and I both knew Khal saw Morgana as a motherly figure, one that she always would talk about wanting, so we both dreaded telling her, what we had just witnessed.

I ran to Khals side and dropped to my knees and brought her into my arms for a tight hug, I cradled her in my arms for a few seconds before i had to force myself a off of her, I didn't want to let her go but we had to start making the weapon. I pulled her up with me and helped her to where Merlin was.

I was fighting back all the thoughts I had swirling in my head. Will she be ok? I can protect her, right?

Khals pov

I fell to the ground with tears streaming down my cheeks. My mother was far gone, I had seen the darkness forming in her and I didn't do anything to help to stop her. And when Merlin mentioned her hand was harvested from her body, my mind went racing. I had already lost my 'father' all those years ago. I never had a mother until I met Morgana. She had became a mother to me and now she had turned on us. I had no mother before and now this, for her to turn on us.

I whipped my eyes and went to work on the amulet and Moganas hand was the key to it. We could hear the war down below us. "We need to get this to the trollhunter" Merlin says as he runs out with it.

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