Not Who I Once Loved (Will Be Updated)

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Penny  x Male Reader

The Poll has ended and Penny has the most votes. A promise is a promise. Enjoy!

Synopsis: After seeing Penny again in her new model, you find both happiness and confusion within you and you cannot help but stay away from Penny because you feel that she has become different.


"How could this happen?!"

"Why was it you?!"

"Why did you have to die?!"

All of those questions came flowing back into your mind as you hold your head down in disbelief and you try to process what happened yesterday.

Penny Polendina. Even though she was an Android, is the love of your life. And she is... alive. Alive, but is she really the person you were once in love with? She seemed to have her personality, her style, but something about her is... off. You lay down in your bed and sigh heavily sigh with despair. You absolutely hated the fact that Penny had a new model and she did not really look like the innocent young girl you would want to hang out with in school. She looked more like a... young adult. Of course, you all had to grow up at some point; you were DEFINITELY not a child-lover. Penny just seems different to you and you thought it unfair that it was so. You get up from your bed after a whole five minutes of taking all the information in and walk out of your dorm door with a somewhat emotionless face.

You find yourself in the cold, harsh environment of the outside of Atlas Academy. The snow and wind grips your body for an embrace of below zero temperature and your emotion was not far off the mark with what the weather is like. As you go out to think some more, you hear a familiar voice.

"Salutations, Y/N! I am so glad to see you here!"

Penny... What happened to her?

"Hey... Penny. Look, I'm not in the mood to talk right now. Please, leave me be."

Penny's expression turns to one of confusion, but it is completely obvious as to why. It is because of you.

"Y/N, I do not understand. I thought you were going to join up with us to have some time off."

"Penny, I don't want to have time off! Well, I do, but not in your way! I want to be left alone because I want to think. Just because we're in one of the most advanced kingdoms of Remnant doesn't mean that we still have to focus on the threat that we're facing."

"Oh. I... understand. I guess that I will... not see you at the academy."

And with that, Penny flies off. Her green thrusters making it look like she is a shooting star from outer space. You sigh and hit yourself on the head, knowing that you were a bit too rough on Penny. It has only been a day since you saw her again and you already have to act like an idiot. 

'Nice going, Y/N, you dumb bastard.'

You walk to the outskirts of Mantle and kneels on the snow, taking in the blank scenery of the landscape in front of you. It was very calm and collective, but it was also very annoying to know that there was not really much to look at. You breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, recalling the tragic events of Beacon. It is painful to remember them, but it was to help you get stronger so that they would not affect you as much.

Time passes for what seemed to be hours and you get back up to your feet, going back to Atlas Academy soon after and you run into Penny again, who is walking alongside Pietro.

"Y/N! You are back! I am glad you are back because we were just getting ready to do some hunter missions! You are not wanting to miss out on it, are you?"

You sigh and look Penny straight into her emerald green eyes.

"No, Penny. Thanks for the heads-up, but I need to go see Team RWBY. They said they needed something."

"I understand. I shall meet you in the courtyard!"

Penny skips to the courtyard with a happy look on her face. God, you missed that smile. Pietro turns to you with a frown upon his face.

"You can quit with your act, Y/N. I know you don't like Penny anymore."

You freeze up as if you had just gotten shot with a freeze gun... or semblance. Your turn to Pietro and try to say something.


"Y/N, what is it about her that you don't like?"

"It's that she's... different."

"'Different?' Are you serious? She's still the same girl, Y/N. I don't see anything 'different' about her."

A lump forms in your throat. Of course Penny's father would be angry that you would make a comment like that. Just beforehand you answer, Penny's voice is heard.

"Y/N, are you okay?"


I'm sorry for not updating in a few weeks, my college weeks have just started and I'm trying to get settled in. I apologise for the wait and I will get back to this chapter in due time. I hope you understand. Farewell, for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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