Chapter 1

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Fast asleep in her room in her apartment in the big apple, wherein 6 in the morning you would hear people yelling, honking from cars and taxis, and " SHOOT ... It's 6 " I exclaimed while getting out bed. I tumbled over a little but I needed to get ready for work. I would run to the bathroom strip down my pajamas and take a really quick shower. " AHH
COLD" I yelled while turning the shower knob to hot. About 5 minutes passed I got out, and there would be shivers down my body from the cold air hitting my skin. I couldn't pay attention to that though I just had to get ready. I got my pink towel, wrapped it around my body, and got ready for the day. I would put my white collared shirt on with a pair of black skinny jeans that were given to me by Leonardo, my best friend. I would later put my wavy hair into a ponytail and leaving the front strands out. Soon after I put on my bracelet my parents had given me, and put on black Doc Martens and just hurried out the door picking up my black backpack, keys, and phone.

While rushing out of the apartment the cold breeze outside had smacked me right in the face. I would close the apartment door and jump down the small steps. The only words that came out of my mouth were " excuse me" to get people to move out of my way. I decided to check my phone to see if I got any notifications from my boss Gabriel until I realized the time. " ITS ALREADY 6:30 ?!" I thought in my head as I sped up my walking. I would squeeze in between the people who were selling flowers, cans, shirts, and more random stuff. While being about a minute away from work, all of a sudden all I could hear was the name " Timothee Chalamet." I tried to remember if I knew who he was but knowing me I would get distracted from arriving to work on time. I arrived at Steaming' Mugs Cafe and it was full just how I would've imagined it to be. All I could see were people with their business suits, my workers, and women who looked liked moms who just dropped off their kids from school. I went to the back and I just heard " Look who showed up ." I looked up and all I could see is a buff man wearing a black apron and an arm full of tattoos. I just knew what was coming since I've seen my workers been through this before. " Melissa Thomson, why are you late? " " You know Mondays are our busiest days ." Gabriel had said. He was the boss of the cafe, he looks all sweet and kind, but you do not want to mess with him. " Oh yeah sorry, there were a lot of people in my way while walking here," I replied. " It's fine just get your apron on Ms.Thomson " Gabriel ordered.

I went to the back where all the lockers were for the employees. All of them lined up in the back of the room. I went to my locker in the corner of the room and put my code in "64696." I'd put all my stuff in the tiny locker and put my apron on the top of my head and slipped it on. When arriving at the cash register, I just prayed that there wouldn't be any assholes arriving at the cafe. Waiting about 4 minutes later, a tall light skin woman came through the door. She was wearing a black blazer with tight plaid pants. Her hair would be down and would have blonde highlights in her brown hair. Her wedges making a sound every time she took a step. I've noticed that she was in a rush so I put all of my focus on the women. " Hello welcome to Steaming Mugs cafe !" I said in a polite voice. " Hi, can I please have a medium cappuccino with almond milk hot no sugar, please. " The woman asked while reaching into her purse. " Of course, name please?" I replied. " Leila Sallie," She answered. That's when I realized she was one of the most famous directors in New york! " That would be $4.50 please." I went off to start making her order and then gave her the drink. " Here you go! Have an amazing day Leila !" She didn't say thank you or anything but that's what I expected, it's been like this for the past year. Soon after Leila left, the rest of the day has been normal as always. Same customers, drinks, attitude, workers, and the same noises outside. The noise of people yelling asking for money, to get people out of their way and more.

Soon after it was finally my break and I just couldn't be thankful than ever! I'd realized that I had to close the store tonight which is one of the things I hated to do. A few minutes later Christopher walks in, one of my employees I work with. He just gave me this weird stare and then walked off to his locker. " Not that mother fucker again," I mumbled while rolling my eyes.  Christopher walked by again with all his stuff in his hand ready to leave. He just had a smirk on his olive-skinned face. Christopher just glared at me saying " I'm guessing your use to a night shift huh, Thomson ." " What makes you say that exactly ?" I asked. " Oh well, you just seem like the person to hoe around at night. " I was startled after hearing what Christopher had said to me. " Excuse me? " I responded. Just by the tone of my voice he probably knew he was getting on my nerves. " Oh.. well maybe not, your just a lonely bitch ." Christopher said. Before I got to say anything else, he just left the room as if nothing happened. I wanted to chase after him so badly and just beat the living HELL out of him. I knew if I did though, I probably would've gotten fired so I just sat back down and calmed down. Few hours pass by and finally, the final customer had left the store before the cafe closing. The cafe was just peaceful, but at the same time, I was by myself. The smell of coffee and sugar just mixed scents and took up the whole building. While smelling the amazing scent I cleaned up all the tables, and counters. " Ugh.. why so fucking dirty, " I whispered under me breathe. When I finally finished cleaning up the cafe, I went to my locker and got my stuff. I would put on the alarm on the way out and once again the cold breeze smacked me right in the face

." Yep ... I forgot my sweater ." She pulled down the gate and locked the bottom of it. All I could've noticed were the stars in the sky, the lights in the distance of Time square, and a man with a hat coming towards me. Before I could even finish that thought 𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑴 I just ended up on the ground.

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