how it all become to be

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Chapter One

Everyone thinks that they will get a perfect ending with the perfect boyfriend. Well not Christie she knew it was all a lie from the moment she turned twelve. Her mother was on her fourth husband and couldn't keep even him with her. She was a nurse at night and a counselor in the mornings.  Christie was in high school and was a cheerleader. She spent most of her time either doing homework or parting with friends. She made good grades but that isn't what is important in this story. In this not only does she learn to be the girl she always wanted to be but also she learns a good life lesson. Okay don't let me get ahead here. Let's start were it all begins.

Chapter Two

I hated it when my mother came home and let Tim walk all over us even though we both know he won't last as long as he hopes to. I had been home all day thinking about what to wear to prom when this happened.  I had gotten my hair done for tonight and had over run my credit card in the process. Not only did I have to go to school with maybe the style I wanted my hair to be for prom, but Tim found out and got mad and started yelling at me for it.

"What is going on in here?" mother asked as she looked between us.  I look at her and roll my eyes.

"He started yelling at me because I went over my limit on my damn credit card." I say as I grab my bag and head up stairs to get ready. Tim grabs my arm and looks at me closely.

"One of these days you aren't going to have everything and you're going to learn what it's like to have nothing but yourself." I roll my eyes.

"When that happens I'll let you know. Oh wait you won't be here because mother will have another man in your place." I say and laugh at the look he gives me. I yank my hand out of his and go up the stairs. I put the pink dress that I might wear on my bed and look around. The walls were light pink and the rug was a darker pink. I then look at the dark oak dresser and the white bedroom closet door with the sign that me and Charley made when he was with my mother still. Inside the closet were short skirts and tub tops and every party/girly girl outfit. The bed was a four poster bed the same oak wood. The blankets were pink as was the whole room. I made sure I had a lot of pillows. So my room was perfect but so was I. I look at the dress that I was going to wear to the prom. I could feel that something big was going to happen tonight, something that is going to change my life. I hear someone outside my window. I look up to see Paula watching me with a smile on her face.

"Wow were getting ready for prom and then getting ready to graduate, and all you can do is act like your still in ninth grade?" I say and all  she can so is laugh. I just roll my eyes and make room for her on my bed.

"Well then get in here and tell me why you decided to drop by." I say as I open the window to let her in.

"Well Christie I came by to tell you that I am going to prom with Jeff the quarter back and I need to borrow a dress." I look at her as if she's crazy.

"No you cannot borrow a dress we're going to buy you one."  Before she could say anything else Kelly walked in and waved.

"Hello Christie and Paula. How are you guys on this lovely day?" She asks as she walks into my room waving at my mother to let her know that she found us.

"Great. We're about to go shopping for a prom dress for Paula, when we get out of school of course. Want to join?" I ask figuring that she probably needed one to. 

"Sure but I already got my dress. Paula you were with me how come you didn't buy one then?" Kelly asks looking at Paula. She rolls her eyes and looks at me and Kelly.

"Because I was broke and I didn't have a date then." Kelly laughs and shakes her head. "Well it will have to wait until we get back from school. Don't forget that Mr. Erwin will be angry if we are late again." I laugh and get my bag off my bed and head out to my car. Paula and Kelly followed but got in their own rides.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2011 ⏰

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