Chapter 10 - Date?

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"So you're telling me," Tooru repeated over the phone for the millionth time as you finished locking up the gym, "you're going on a date with Mr. Refreshing?" 

"Well he never called it a date," you said sighing disappointedly. "Plus I don't even know if the guy likes me in that way let alone if he's my soulmate." 

You heard a thwack from the other end of the line which you presumed to be Tooru face-palming, "Please tell me you're joking (F/N). Of course the guy likes you!" 

"How can you be so sure?" 

"Well for starters you said he invited you into his house, cooked food for you, helped you with homework, walked with you to school, and now he's practically asked you out!" Oikawa listed exasperatedly. 

"Plus," you heard Hajime add on, "the dude is obviously flirting with you. He's fallen hard." 

"Okay but what about the soulmate stuff?" you questioned as you adjusted the strap on your bag. 

"(F/N) if he's not your soulmate, then I don't know who is," the ace reasoned. 

"Yeah for once I agree with Iwa-chan~" Oikawa teased.

     The two began to argue, almost forgetting that you were still on the phone with them. 

You pinched the bridge of your nose, "Well... if you guys are busy then I'll just go now. I have to meet up with Suga anyways."

To your surprise they stopped their shouting match and responded, "Alright. Have fun."

"And good luck~" 

You rolled your eyes and laughed, "Yeah, and thanks for the advice." 

Time Skip

Still Y/N's POV

     You hummed to yourself and waited patiently by the subway, occasionally checking your phone for any messages from Koushi. His last text said that he was on his way, and judging by how far his house was from the cafe you reasoned he should be here any second now. 


You turned around and saw the familiar face of Karasuno's setter, "Koushi!" 

     He smiled brightly and ran up to you, quickly engulfing you in a hug and making you blush at the unexpected gesture.

"Sheesh it's totally not like I saw you earlier today," you teased as your soulmate marks began to burn.

He tensed before sheepishly letting you go, "Sorry about that. I just got excited..." 

"It's fine. I don't mind," you replied, giving him a warm smile. 

He visibly relaxed, "Good, because I didn't intend on that being our last hug."

     You giggled at his nervousness and grabbed his wrist, tugging him forward and out into the sidewalk. 

"Now let's go to that cafe you mentioned! I'm starving!" 

"Okay okay," the setter said, chuckling. "But you gotta let me pay for our food." 

"Wha- let me help too! I'd feel bad if you covered the whole check." 

"It's fine. I don't mind," he replied, obviously repeating the line you said earlier. 

     You frowned and opened your mouth to say something, but closed it once you realized you had nothing to come back with. I guess I'll just have to treat him next time...

Flowers - Sugarwara Koushi x Reader - (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now