chapter 1

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My name is Carter Destiny Lawrence. It's the middle of junior year and exams are over today which means I have a few days break- I can't wait! I have been studying my butt off to make sure I pass all my exams.
I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario with my family. My mom is a stay-at-home mom and my dad is some "big time lawyer" in the city, so we don't get to spend too much time together. I have 2 siblings: I have an older brother who is off at college and I have a twin brother who is annoying sometimes, but I love him. His name is Cameron, but everyone just calls him Cam (except me- I call him Cammie just because it pisses him off).
"Hey Carter, baby!" I hear as I'm getting my stuff out of my locker. I've just finished writing my last exam for this semester. I turn around to see one of my best friends, Parker, walking over to me. Parker is pretty tall and is gorgeous with his crystal blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that he always has styled perfectly.
"Hey Parker!" I hug him. "How do you think you did on your last exam?" I ask him. He just shrugs.
"So you going to be my date for the party this weekend to celebrate?" he asks jokingly.
I laugh. "Get over it Parker. It's never going to happen. Plus, Skyler already asked me." I feel someone come up behind me and put their arm around me.
"Back off she is mine," Skyler says kissing my cheek then sticking out her tongue at Parker. I just laugh. Parker and Skyler have been my best friends for almost my entire life. Parker and I have been together since birth as our moms are best friends. Then there is me and Skyler. We have been best friends since the first day of kindergarten when I was afraid because I didn't want to be there (because Parker and I were put in different classes and I didn't know anyone there). Skyler came right up to me told me her name and asked if I wanted to be her best friend, and the rest is history.
We walk out of the school to the parking lot. I get into my red 1999 2 door Honda Civic Hatchback and watch Skyler and Parker fight over which one is getting the front seat, like always.
Skyler wins, like normal, and Parker sits in the back sulking. We stop at Starbucks on our way back to my place where we plan to hang out. We spend most of our time around my house since we have the basement all to ourselves.
We are in the rec room in my basement, fooling around with the pool table and just having fun, when in comes my brother with some bimbo from the cheerleading team and they start making out on the couch like we're not even here.
I clear my throat and he looks over at me with a 'what do you want?' look.
"Seriously, Cammie? We don't want to see that and we were here first!" I sigh.
Cam says, "Well maybe I would have left if you didn't just call me 'Cammie.'"
I will never understand how he can sleep around so much- it's so gross.
"Do you want to just leave guys?" I ask Skyler and Parker.
"We can go across to my house. My mom's at work and Landon is probably at Holly's house anyway," Parker answers.

A couple of days later, it's the big 'End of Exams' party and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to wear. So me and Skyler are going to take the train into the city and go shopping together. I can't wait!
Skyler drives over to my place and we take her car to the train station. We're both so excited to go shopping that we spend the whole car ride over to the train station talking about what stores we want to go to and what we are going to buy. Skyler already has her clothes picked for tonight, but she is still looking for accessories and shoes. I, on the other hand, am looking for it all. I don't even know what I want to wear: pants, skirt, or dress.
We sit down on the train to wait and automatically start talking about boys.
"So who do you plan on hooking up with tonight?" I ask Skyler.
"I'm not sure. I really like someone but I think it would be weird and they're a total player. I don't want to get hurt, you know?" she asks and smiles shyly.
"Oh my God! Please tell me it isn't my brother!" I almost shout, but try not to because we are in public.
"NO!" She does yell and then quietens to a normal level. "Ew! I would never crush on your brother. He's such a man-whore. And plus- he is your brother. Why? Do you have someone in mind for tonight?" She raises her eyebrows at me.
I frown and look out the window. After a moment, I answer. "You know I can't do anything with who I like since he is taken and their relationship's never going to end. They're perfect for each other and have been together for years," I sigh. "When am I going to get over him? It's been a year."
She just looks at me and says, "You are in love with him. It isn't going to end. I think you need to tell Parker that you're in love with his brother. I also think you should look smoking hot tonight and try to find a guy- at least get laid. How long has it been now since you and Josh broke up? A year and a half? Have some fun and go a little wild- you deserve it! "

We get into Toronto and I find the most amazing dress after 3 hours of searching. Maybe tonight I will get some, especially while looking this hot. I end up getting a blood red dress: it has no back, ties around my neck and the v neck shows some cleavage (but not too much). The dress is skin tight down to my hips, then it flares out. But it's pretty short. It's so not something I would normally wear but I'm trying to be different tonight and move on from my crush. I also find black hoop earrings and tall black pumps.
Skyler finds brown leather knee high boots to wear with her skin tight black dress that doesn't leave much to the imagination. She also gets a pair of black hoop earrings and a really pretty necklace with a silver bird on it.
We go back to my house after taking the train back from the city, gossiping the whole ride, and started getting ready. I only live a few blocks away from the party so we are going to walk there- we won't have to leave our cars there or drive drunk this way. I leave my hair down and put some loose curls in it. My hair is dark brown and comes down to about the middle of my back. I also put on some gold eye shadow because it matches my brown eyes and red lipstick to match my dress.
Skyler has long blonde hair and just leaves hers in a high, tight ponytail. She gives herself smokey eyes and puts clear gloss on her lips to make them look shiny. Then we get dressed and head to the party.

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