The Inside

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Jun Fulbright

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Jun Fulbright





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Jun is a rather outgoing person who isn't afraid to speak up, always speak up, like he's always talking, all the time. He's a loud guy and considering how he's always talking the rest of landslide pretty much always know where he is at all times, even if they can't see him they can hear him. Honestly though that's how Jun seems to prefer it. He appears to like attention and the spotlight and will do drastic things to be there.

Jun is quite chaotic and unpredictable. His actions are often random and unexplained to those around him, though to Jun they're always thought out and planned, he just doesn't express the plan to others. In battle Jun also can be quite reckless, he will charge in with little to no regard for his own safety and he has no hesitation in harming others. A lot of these actions come from his past of being a recruiter. Having to do the dirty work for an evil organisation had made him do some things he isn't proud of. After the thing he's done in the past he doesn't worry as much about his actions in the present. Jun is talented with wind magic and often uses it to his advantage in battle. He pairs it with his use of duel swords to create fast attacks used to put people off balance. Jun's tactic in a battle is to also be a distraction. When the others need to get something done, he's the guy to go create a ruckus somewhere to distract the guards.

Jun's preferred mode of transportation is rooftop. He's a man skilled in the art of parkour and paired with his skill of wind magic he can get around quite quickly and efficiently. Being the sort of chaotic person he is he also enjoys the thrill he gets from jumping from roof to roof, along with the attention he can get for doing a backflip. Though the other members of landslide sometimes find is antics annoying Jun views himself as the fun glue of the group. Without him Jun thinks the others will never let loose and have a good time. One thing about Jun though is his deathly fear of the dark. If the power is out, or they need to go through a tunnel or cave, if it's simply just night time, Jun is uncomfortable. A big part of it for Jun his he wants to be able to see where he is and what's around him. Simply put, he scares easily and he wants to be able to see when something in sneaking up on him. He'd rather spend a week hiking up a mountain and back down the other side rather than going through it.

Under his reckless Jun has a lot of guilt and regret about his past. Working for Malvado was something he has always been told was the right thing. Working as a recruiter isn't a pretty job and there's a lot of blood on Jun's hands. Some who deserved it, some who didn't. Either way it's a lot for a young guy to have to deal with and a big part of why Jun is working with Landslide is for redemption. His guilt can at times eat away at him and he has a tendency to apologise a lot for random things because of it. In all honestly Jun's desire from attention is because if people view him as the loud fun guy they won't judge him for his past actions. Most of what Jun does now is him trying to make better choices.


Jun grew up in the upper ring of sector five living the life of luxury. He was an only child of two parents who both worked for Malvado. The only world that Jun had even known was that of the the metal city and the use of Viko. From a young age it was always instilled in Jun that Malvado was the right choice for Shosa. He was told they were in the right in the war. He was told that viko was the answer to all problems. So when Jun got his chance to work for Malvado he took it without hesitation.

Through working as a recruiter, despite his young age, Jun made a name for himself. He was the good fighter with the pretty face, and event though he was a bit unpredictable and worked by his own rules he became quite respected amoungst the company. 

It was when he was tasked with guarding a viko plant when things fell out of place for Jun, or into place depending on how you look at it. Landslide had planned an attack and Jun being the accomplished fighter he was, had been tasked to stop them. After a chaotic battle and a lot of yelling from both sides Jun lost. After the destruction landslide caused Jun saw the true devisation that viko power could do. After much deliberation and consideration he abonded his job, his family, his lavish life and made his way for the sector five slums to track down landslide. Of course the boy wasn't welcomed with open arms at first, but after a whole heap of explanation and a lot of time for them to gain his trust, he's become a valued member in the group, his knowledge of Malvado being a big help with getting him in.


"Just follow my lead!"

"Do we have to, it's dark in there?"




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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