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Logan was enjoying a relaxing afternoon reading the books he had stashed away in his cave. The mer had found all of his books in the usual places: sunken ships, beaches, lost cargo crates; all in various states of disrepair though many were still intact and legible. He loved to indulge in these pieces of his collection during idle hours.

Of course, he would not always be left alone to enjoy these leisurely activities in peace. His cave was not a secret to close companions, and a certain few who could fit within it liked to come to bother him there. Today, it was Virgil.

Virgil was amongst the largest of his companions who could come into the cave, him being nearly twenty feet long with an upper half about twice the size of an average human's. Logan himself was only ten feet long, half Virgil's size.

The larger mer gave his usual greeting.


"Salutations, Virgil. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Virgil rolled his eyes in reply. "Can't I just swim by to hang out with my favorite book-mer?" Logan sent him a pointed look. While Virgil had certainly made casual visits in the past, they were far outnumbered by those where he sought a favor. Virgil didn't last long against the look.

"I might've been thinking about... indulging Patton today, and wanted to see if you would help me prepare myself for him."

Ah, of course. Patton was Virgil's mate, and they had been together far longer than they have known Logan. Patton was also a massive mer, one-hundred feet long at least. Logan could fit in the palm of his hand, and Patton could easily swallow mers larger than even Virgil whole if he wanted.

Logan rolled his eyes at Virgil's poor feigning at nonchalance, "And what do you plan to do to persuade me?", he teased.

"I've found a new box of books—" "Show me!"

Virgil dove back down and resurfaced with a wooden crate full of books. The lid had clearly been removed and reattached, but the contents inside were only slightly damp. Logan ecstatically pulled the books out, quickly beginning to place them in a dryer area of the cave to air out.

"These are all in very good condition," Logan enthused, "thank you for recovering them! I truly was not expecting such a valuable gift to be exchanged for a common favor."

"So...", Virgil drawled, earning an eye roll from his friend.

"So, I shall gladly return your favor, as I would have done if you had even given a smaller gift, but please allow me to finish setting these out to dry first."

"Sure thing," Virgil laughed, settling down to watch Logan arrange his new books. It took a while (Logan was always very particular about how his books were arranged and didn't trust anyone else to do it right), but Virgil enjoyed seeing his friend so excited about something. He loved being able to spend time with Logan in any way.

It wasn't too long until Logan's new books were set up.

"I am ready. I assume you wish to "prepare yourself" in the usual way."

Virgil nodded, "yup," as he picked up Logan in both hands. Opening his mouth as wide as possible, Virgil fed in the end of Logan's tail. The delicate fin slid over his tongue to the back of his throat where it was softly swallowed. Virgil tried to subtly savor his friend's taste as he slipped down his throat, but still, it only took a few minutes before Logan was fully inside him.

Virgil eased himself back into the water, one hand firmly planted on his rounded stomach. He took a moment to appreciate the sensation of Logan squirming around inside of him. Once the moment passed, he began swimming leisurely back to his own home and, more importantly, his mate.

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