Just Keep Smiling

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                         Losing one's mind was never a good thing, he had let his emotions rise too high when he failed in getting rid of Vincent and when he was in that zone of ending another's life just for the pure amusement of it, being caught in the act set him off to where he made another mistake.  It took Alastor a moment to realize that this wasn't a man he just killed, Lu was anything but a human, his Shadow swirled around the body as if unsatisfied with something while Alastor went about looking around in case anyone else noticed.

"How long are you going to play dead, you're not fooling anyone!"  He snapped while taking hold of his knife, the bleeding hole that was in the center of Lu's back looked as if that had ended him but then he felt it, a pulse ran through him as the surge of power he had expected to feel from before was now there, abrupt and fierce, sending shivers down his spine.  Slowly he got up, coughing more blood, Alastor would watch as Lu looked up with a grin of his own,

"So glad you understand the situation with which you are in, Dearie," wiping his chin as he stood up, he was no longer bleeding and didn't seem to be in any pain from the wound, Alastor knew this was a delicate situation.  Twirling the knife within his hand while attempting to clean his own face with a handkerchief,

"Perhaps I should apologize, that wasn't very gentlemanly of me but suppose this looks just as it does," he glanced over to the mutilated body, Lu was attempting to fix his attire and with a wave of his hand, the blood was all gone from his form.

"You don't come off as a man who does such a thing, just as one wouldn't expect a Dapper Fellow to commit such a Sin.  Alastor, you have a taste for blood don't you?"  He stepped closer to the other, Alastor instinctively brought his blade up as Lu was getting closer and as he did, the Shadow screeched and went about charging at the Demon.  Alastor gasped as he watched Lu's eyes glow red, turning to face his Shadow, the Demon grabbed hold of Alastor's Shadow by the throat to slam it into the wall.  The force of power used to hold the entity also affected Alastor in making him grunt in pain while reaching for his own throat, eyes wide as no one has ever been able to harm his Shadow.

"Oh?  Do you feel this?  Interesting, you've been up to no good for far too long Alastor, makes me wonder if you know your limits when it comes to such things?"  He sent the Shadow flying across the room, it dispersed leaving the two alone while Lu turned and made his way towards the blood covered man who's aura felt threatened by the Demon before him.  Raising his knife towards Lu's chest while he pressed him against the wall, the blade cut into him as he had Alastor pinned,

"Who are you, Mr. Magne?  Why are you serving someone like Vincent?"

"Suppose those would be the questions you'd ask, tell you what.  Let's forget this ever happened, I want to see this game play out and I wasn't careful in hiding myself after following you.  The blood lust that radiated off of you got the better of me," leaning closer, mere inches from Alastor's face, the Radio Host felt himself shaking whether with anger or anxiety over the issue.  It was almost like being hunted, powerless against another and Alastor had never felt like this... at least not for the longest time.

"What game are you... hey..." he froze with how close the other was, the scent of blood filled his senses but this Demon smelled like something sweet... apples?  The blade was pressing further into Lu, he barely winced as he'd reach for Alastor's face, caressing his cheek making the Radio Host gasp and attempt to push the other back.  Knife knocked aside, hands pinned above Alastor's head while the Demon stood face to face, red eyes peering into the other's amber ones,

"No sense in ruining the surprise if I told you, but I'll let you in on something.  Vincent believes I serve him, clearly so do you, but the Devil doesn't serve anyone."  In that moment, Alastor saw the other's true form, a flash before his eyes of a horned winged Demon... no, a Devil.

Devil's Game:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now