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            In case you just want a full summary before reading my story here it is. Also this is my third Wattpad story so it may not be that good. I write for fun not for fame so of course it's not going to be prefect. This story will be told from Lunas point of view. Feel free to comment how you liked the chapters! I would love to take your advice!
      It was a shining day for the picture of perfection girl Luna Stonewall. Well some say, she's to perfect. Her light blue eyes are so pale some people ask if she has a disease. Her eyes were also to big, they were abnormally large, as though someone made them in the perfect shape of mini moons. Her skin, so white you would've thought she wore over a hundred pounds of makeup. If not for jet black hair she would've blended in with the morning sky. Her hair though, it's soft and delicate, not like the hair you see in adds where they use conditioner. Her hair was a whole different texture, it was like water woven into silk. You would've thought she came out of an anime TV show. She had the hair in the same parts. The abnormally large eyes. The skin so pale it was mistaken as white. She had that pastel pink tinge to her cheeks under her eyes when she blushed. She had almost no lips. Her lips practically blended in with her white skin. She was placed on the list of most prettiest looking children and most odd looking children. Some people even made rumors that if it weren't for her jet black hair she would've been the daughter of the moon.
      Luna was rich to. Her mother mysteriously disappeared when she was young and Luna lived with her father. She had silver silk dresses, and bows made with shards of diamonds. Luna was not your average spoiled, daddy's-girl. She was quiet and soft with a smile someone would pay millions for.
      One day, Lunas dad hires two new maids. A girl and her mother. (The girl is also 13 like Luna) Luna didn't mind this of course, she has had so many different maids over her lifetime. These maids were different though. The mother looked normal, but it was the girl. She had eyes just as big as Lunas with a dark blue fading down to a deep black, something Luna had never seen before. Her hair when up to her ears and was pretty short. Her hair was dyed from a dark burgundy to a blurred white with purple streaks. Then it went down down to the normal black. Luna had seen crazy dyes before. But this seemed to natural. The girls voice, was another topic. It was an average tone, but with something that sounded like a sirens song mixed with fairy melodies. But there was one thing that made Luna filled with shock. When the sprinklers sprayed the girls pale white skin it seemed to wash away. That meant that she was wearing full body makeup. Her real skin which was underneath the millions of pounds of makeup was tinged baby pink. Why is it baby pink? What is it with that girl? Why is she so strange? The girl didn't go to school and Luna never saw her leave the house. She never spoke and always had a weird twisted smile. Her dad also didn't even like the girl and her mother. He would always scowl when he saw them and grit his teeth. He looked like he wanted to yell something.
                    It's time to question this girl, and why she is so abnormal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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