Will x George part 5

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George couldn't help but grab at his blonde locks with a firm grip and tug on them roughly. The splitting pain that went through his scalp was the only thing that felt normal at the moment. It made him feel sane when everything was so crazy .

He swallowed thickly as deep breaths left him. Everything felt so overwhelming, his heart was practically beating out of his chest . George wasn't sure when it happened but he completely lost focus on the world around him . Not noticing how bad things had gotten till his limbs started to become numb . When the floor he was staring at began to shift eerily and sweat from his forehead began to make small puddles on it .  Wait- when did the floor become so close ?..

That's when the feelings of hands on him presented itself suddenly along with soft voices whispering around him. It made him tense and his tear filled eyes look around rapidly . "I-I .. I don't- " words spilled out jumbled out of his shaking lips . He was so confused on what was happening to his body to make it do this . The feeling of helplessness was never so intoxicating before.

" Its okay mate .. Shh it's okay jus' listen to me alright ? Focus on your breathing for me " Alex's soft tone cooed to him as his small hand gently touched there back . George immediately shoved the hand away , as the contact during his over sensitive state overwhelmed him more . " sorry George didn't mean to scare ya ... just know your okay. Hey can you close your eyes for me ? Just focus on the breath coming in and out of ya " Alex pushed his friend sweetly to calming down . He had enough panic attacks under his belt to know what they looked like and how to help deter the distress .

George didn't hesitate on following the request as he shut his eyes tightly almost immediately , hands clenched at the fabric of his jeans to help gather some sort of control.
It was a struggle at first to control his breathing but within minutes of continuously trying and having his friends guidance he was in a calmer state . But with this calmness also came extreme exhaustion from the whole ordeal . Slowly George wiped at his damp face and was suddenly met with a giant hug . The firm chest and warmth instantly told George it was Will . He reciprocated the action with weak arms. His hands lightly grasping the back of his shirt as his chin laid against the others shoulder "I'm sorry .. god I'm a fuckin mess aren't I?" He chuckled dryly.

"No .. no not at all . Your amazing and I Love you " Will spoke firmly to the other. "We will figure everything out . I'll do anything to help you and make things easier . I want to be with you .. you make me so happy Darling ".
The loving nature of the words sent a bright red blush flooding to his cheeks and he almost immediately hid his face in his shoulder . " you still wanna be with me even when I make everything so terrible ?.." George asked brokenly. He felt so terrible making his friends see himself in such a weak pitiful state. God he was a nuisance to everyone .
" you don't make anything terrible you fuckin dunce " Will argued softly in return and hugged the smaller man in his arms tighter. This caused a faint chuckle to escape George along with a small smile  " Your the dunce you square headed ass .." he teased playfully. He couldn't help it , after all the seriousness and crying he was glad to finally have a laugh with one of the most important people in his life .

" Now that's what I like to hear " Wills lips shifting into a soft smile as he pressed a small kiss to the others temple . This sent a small shock of surprise into the latter before it settled into a nice comforting warmth in his chest . It felt so nice to just let go and accept the another's love without worry . Of course this wouldn't last for long, but he would work on it as much as he could so one day it wouldn't stop . A day like that felt impossible alone but with Will by his side he knew he could get there .

With little thought, George returned a kiss on Wills cheek . It was something small and simple but it was progress nonetheless and the giant grin that spread across Wills face afterwards made all the anxiousness in his chest simmer into nothing . If he could get smiles like that from him all the anxiety was worth it. He would do anything he could to keep that damned smile on his loves face. 

George couldn't help but smile broadly in return, but was alarmed to see a tear slip down Wills cheek. Before he could voice his concern as he gently wiped it away with his thumb, he was pulled even closer into the other. His lovers face burying into his neck as he mumbled a soft " thank you" over and over into his skin. Fuck- that got George's water works going again in no time , his hand cradling Wills head. Fingers going through his hair soothingly as he whispered softly in return " anything for you ". He meant it more than his love could ever know . Even though the road before them would be difficult and full of hardships , they were together and that's all that mattered .

[Authors note : Sorry this took a minute to get out , school just started up for me and it's been a stressful week. But I'm glad to finally be able to write about the best British boys! There most likely won't be more parts to these two but instead more oneshot type cute stuff of them instead , like how I've been doing with James and Alex.  If any of you guys have any suggestions for either ship or more please comment and have a nice night !]

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