Ten Days Till Weigh-In.

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I wake with a groan, and a big yawn as I lay on my back, staring at the bland ceiling. I try to drown out all the noise of daily life-- My mother screaming at me to wake up, the City Alarm, and the growling of my stomach begging for nourishment. 

I sigh and drag myself to the edge of my bed, my toes hitting the morning coldness on the wood of my floor. 

"I'm awake, Mom!"

"Good," she calls back. "Get down here, I have your breakfast."

I roll my eyes and ruffle my hair. I stand, looking at myself in the mirror above my nightstand. I turn my head to the left and to the right. No double chin yet. Good. 

I head down the stairs, still in my white pajamas and greet my family. My younger-by-two-years brother, Malcolm, doesn't even glance at me though, as he licks his plate clean. My dad smile at me, softly, as he takes a sip of water. I sit down in my usual spot when my mother plants a bowl down in front of me with her slim fingers. 

I look down and grimace. "Mom, what is this?" It is half an orange, exactly seven blueberries, and a small bit of plain yogurt. 

"A healthy breakfast," she responds, trying to be cheery. 

"Is this what Malcolm got too?" I look at his big plate that is now wiped clean. 

"No. I am not the one who's 178," he responds with a glare.

I sigh and my mother glares at him. 

"You've got ten days. Just shed a few pounds to make me feel better, alright?" My mother says with a pat on my shoulder. 

I give her a fake smile and pick at my blueberries. I don't even like blueberries. My stomach seems to almost groan in disgust with me. This isn't enough for me. 

But I may be too much for everyone else. 

This will have to do. 

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