Another day, another pervert, another mess

219 3 0

'Oh shit. This will be a trouble to explain'


In the morning

Issai and Naruto wake up at the same time, same house, and guess what, same bed. Issai stares at Naruto






"Good morning" Naruto says calmly on the outside. He is panicking inside.
And then, Issai blushes deep red. "Soooo... Did we do it ?"

"No we did not do it "

"Awwwww." well... she actually sounded dissapointed.

"Damn it. I am not doing this right now" Naruto says. His eues change and then... "Sharingan " Issai goes with her eyes looking glazed. With her clothes if that is what u thinking about  ya perv.

"To school we go" Naruto goes to school.

Normal day


He was just passing by and then he saw that Rias and her, what was it called again, Peerage were fighting

A guy with black wings?

Why is Issai there anyways?

He just hid and watched that Kiba guy mattering something to the old man. Kiba was a nicw guy in his opinion, he had fangirls like Sasuke but he actually noticed them and was at least not after reven-

"Valper Galilee,  I will kill you and have my revenge!!! "

Fuck them, all. All pretty boys are cursed with revenge.

Well nothing interesting going on so he is going ba-

"I will rape then kill you all by myself "
He is going to destroy this bastard

"Hey jackass"

Kokabiel turns to him " Wha-"

Mini Bijjudama . It was about a centimetre -

"pffft like something like that could stop me"

And very,very,very,very like too much vey kablooe volatile and explosive

Kokabiel grab it and then

Coffin Dance Meme

Something just hit Naruto's brain and he shouts "Art is an expluusion"

Every one is just Da Fq

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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