Chapter 28 - Love is Not Over

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“Myeong Jo! Min Myeong Jo Open This Door Right Now! Open Up!”

Myeong Jo's sleep broke due to this extreme yelling of Yoon Gi. It was alread morning. And why is he yelling like that?

“Open Up This Instant!”

“Aish......I'm coming....geez...” she got up from her bed and opened the door.

Yoon Gi looked like he didn’t sleep all night. His red eyes proved it. He was panting as he yelled very loudly.

“What the.....” her voice automatically stopped.

“Young Lady, you need to talk with Park Jimin.”

Myeong Jo lost interest and went inside her room. Yoon Gi also entered.

“I talked to him all night. Trust me, he's an amzing fellow! And you won't believe how much he still......” he himself cut his sentence off.

“Talk to him. You have to. There are many things you don't know.” Yoon Gi felt a relief as he spoke his stomach out.

Myeong Jo looked at him while doing her bed, “Oh yeah? Why don't you tell me what he told you?”

He raised his eyebrow, “I can't do that. You have to listen yourself.”

She scoffed and went inside the bathroom. Yoon Gi stayed blank for some time. He kept recalling every word Jimin said to him last night repeatedly. He decided Jimin should deserve her. No one will love her as much as Jimin does.

Haeundae Beach of Busan. South Korea's popular sea beach. Though the word Busan literally shakes her every time as memories began flooding her head. But there is a need for her to go there. As Myeong Jo's new story had a mention of a beach, she needs to go there and find out about its beauty and features. She couldn’t go to the beach since childhood. All her friends would go there together. Now at the age of 27, she can finally go to her dream place. People won't believe she's a Korean citizen if they get to know she never visited Busan beach.

Being a die hard fan of Train to Busan Movie, she also boarded a train this morning. She could've easily gone there by plane as she's rich now. But having a zombie vibe in a train may make her day and forget about Jimin even for 5 hours. She's a fan so of course.

Myeong Jo took her seat in the cabin. The train also started moving. Fortunately there were no fellow passengers around her today. The train had a small amount of passengers as it was like First Class Train. She rested her head on the sofa seat and closed her eyes. How badly she wished a zombie would show up now!

Instead of a zombie, someone else sat in front of her silently. The feeling of a person being around can almost make you conscious. So she felt a man's presence in front of her. And she definitely knew who it was.

“Oh God!”

She mumbled before opening her eyes.

Yep, Park Jimin was sitting in front of her with his eye smile. He looked kinda cute today. Inside her mind, she really wanted to kill this man! How come he follows her all the time everywhere?!

“Aish, Park Jimin! Why are you here?” she asked; crossing her arms.

“Oh, Myeong Jo. Didn’t see you there. Wah, we are going to Busan together? What a coincidence! Or fate you can say?” he slightly smirked.

Myeong Jo was done with his cheesy words and opened a magazine to read. Of course, to avoid him. She held the magazine higher so that the cover would hide his face.

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