. authors note .

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hello! minty here with the authors note for the artist on my wall. i'll update this as it goes on.

if you made it this far you should totally follow me 😜

i wanted to first thank you for everyone who read/commented/ and voted, it means a lot!!! i got my request for creative writing declined at my school so why not try to teach myself LOL

anyway here's a couple questions/ explanations on this story. (purely optional :D)

1) the name switches between clay / dream.
- when i first started i did not expect this to become so crucial, but by chapter 1 i realized this could be a good plot point. essentially, an event in clay's last drove him to change, and he made himself into "dream" who was hidden and masked away with no way to express himself besides through art. clay was the opposite and came out of his shell around chapter 4-5. you can actually see when he starts referring to himself as clay instead of dream, and how a more positive tone is used with clay than with dream. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON, this may have gotten confusing but idk. so yea that's why i did that

2) skephalo??
- yea it was gonna have more skephalo, but the story wasn't long enough to dedicate more than a few scenes to those lovable muffins. in the sequel, i'll be sure to include more.

3) inspiration / recommendations?
- i have a full dreamnotfound list (a combined total of 140+ dnf fics i have enjoyed/ been intrigued by) on my profile if you're looking for more! as for inspiration, i definitely took some from "like normal people do" because of the fanXidol dynamic, although as i wrote about that dynamic i started to dislike the dynamic, LOL it gets annoying and repetitive a lot. i also took decent inspiration from "across the street" (i think that's what it's called) because of the artist idea. however, the plot summary and everything in between was my idea, and i wrote this myself.

4) easter eggs?
- yes! i had a few references in there. in "cloud" there was a reference to a song in the first few paragraphs. in the last chapter the line is from the song green, by cave town. i'm sure there are a few others.

5) basic stats?
- 21,018 words, 11 chapters, average of 1.9-2k (1910 is the average exactly) words a chapter (because of those longer ones). my google doc reached 77 pages. as for hours spent on this, i would have to reckon 24+ and maybe put it at around 30? maybe less, i can't remember, but i would pop in every few minutes to jot down a line. there were also days like today when i wrote 4 whole chapters 😭

yessss, the summary will be at the end of this chapter and will he released around september as i speedran this fic. 21k words in a week is wild, absolutely wild to me.

UPDATE: as of 11/9 I unpublished the sequel for I have no plans to update it. When it will get reposted is unknown for now! :)

7) q and a?

if you have more questions leave them! i'd love to interact with y'all <3

8) the chapter names!!!

- crossing paths
self explanatory, since they were just crossing paths
- one little incident
i should have called this one stain! oh well. self explanatory as well.
- lovesick
partly because of the art, also because of the situation where mutual pining was begining.
- fair
mostly because they went to a fair, but also because of gogy's colorblindness! he thinks of it during this chapter as not being fair.
- colorblind
yea hes colorblind <3
- it it love?
probably LMAO. obviously this is when theyre like oO lOVe fancy
- masked
because dream is in a maskkk!! this is also a metaphor for how clay is hiding woot
- search
google searches, and each one trying to see where they went wrong
- clouds
idrk honestly. mostly because the next chapter was going to be the rain, because it was raining- but yea, clouds because of the foggy atmosphere of the chapter.
- streetlamp
they stood under a streetlamp!
- color
color go brrr

i thought i would explain the chapter names since a few of them were random. they have deeper meanings than just being cHAPter 1.

and yea, thats it for now!

love you all <3

― the artist on my wallWhere stories live. Discover now