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 Today Your going marry the man you love, Adrian Crevan. You've been together for 12 years. You picked each others outfits for the wedding. Adrian picked out a grey wedding dress with black lace around the waist. You picked out a black tux with a grey tie and he decided not to wear his hat and he is going to wear his hair out of his face. Sebastian is going to walk you down the isle. You were walking down the isle and you saw Adrian waiting for you. He had his hair out of his face. He was so handsome! When you reached the end of the isle you hugged Sebastian. Then you held Adrian's hands. "Do you, Adrain Crevan, take (FN) to be your awfully wedded wife?" Asked William T Spears. "I do." Said Adrian. "And do you, (FN) Crevan, take Adrian to be your awfully wedded husband?" "I do!" You said. "Now you may kiss the bride." Said William. You and Adrian kissed for what felt like a life time. At that moment you knew you would spend the rest of your life with the man you love so dearly.

After your wedding, you and Adrian decided to have your own private wedding. You exanged vows. Since Adrian is already dead and brought back to life, he will live forever. "I don't want to live forever, not if I have to spend it without you." Said Adrian. "Then kill me." You said. "WHAT?!" "Do the same thing to me as what has happened to you and that child, then we can live together forever." You said. "Fine." Said Adrian. You went into the room that the young boy was a few years ago. Adrian cleaned the room up. You climbed up onto the table and Adrain strapped down your legs first and then leaned in for a kiss. "I love you so much (FN), and I always will." Said Adrian. "I love you too, even if this doesn't work, just know that I will always love you." Then he stabbed you, tears falling out of his eyes. The pain was so bad you could bear it. Then everything went black.

You woke up with blood all over your mouth and hands. "You're awake!" Yelled Adrian cheerfully. "It's time to get washed up." Said Adrian. He led you to the shower. He took off your clothes and then his own. You both hopped into the shower. "I love you (FN) and I always will." Said Adrian. When you got out of the shower he dressed you in a beautiful grey and black dress. "Is it over?" You asked. "Yeah it's all over." Said Adrian. "That hurt like hell." " you're dead now (FN), you will live forever." Said Adrian. You kissed. "I'm really tired." You said. "Yeah, that's normal." He led you to your bedroom. He picked you up and laid you down in your bed. He put the blankets on you. He kissed you on the forehead. "Goodnight my sweet (FN)."

-------------------The Next Day----------

You wake up. You look around for Adrian. You couldn't find him anywhere. "Adrian!!!" You yelled. He came racing up the stairs. "How long have I been asleep. "1 year"

You where shocked. Shivers went down your spine. Tears started falling out of your eyes like raindrops falling from the sky. Adrian hugged you. "It's alright. I love you. And you're alive." "I'm so sorry." You said. "Sorry for what?" Said Adrian. "Sorry I wasn't there for a year. Sorry you had to live life waiting for the time I would wake up." You said. Tears fell from Adrian's eyes. "I can't believe I made you go through that. I should have waited until you died of old age." He said "I'm so foolish" "no you're not. I think you did the right thing. I wanted to live my whole life with you, body pun wanted to live your whole life with me and you made that happen. You are a good man, and I will ALWAYS love you." He kissed you. "It feels like it's been centuries since the last time I got to kiss your beautiful face." He said. You heard a knock on your door. It was Sebastian and Ciel. "Lady (FN)?!" Said Sebastian. "It's been too long!" Yelled Ciel. You knelt down and hugged Ciel. Ciel was 26 now, but he looks like he hasn't aged a day In 13 years. He was a demon. And so was his Butler, Sebastian. "I missed you so much young Earl!" You said. "I missed you too Lady (FN)."

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