Chapter 1

6 2 4

February 2017.

A pungent perfume was in the air. This unusual and rather unpleasant odor contrasted with the familiar citrus smells. The long hallway in the entrance hall, only lit by the dim end-of-day outdoor light coming from the living room, was dark and sinister. Everything was silent, not even a ticking noise was disturbing the quietness of the place. From the corridor, through the open bedroom door, one could see a man's body, only dressed in a half-crumpled shirt, lying on the floor, his skin stained with blood still wet. The man was handsome. His well-defined body and square face gave him an undeniable charisma. In spite of the wounds and the blood he kept all his charm.

Victoria spent long minutes watching him, like a curious cat, resisting the urge to touch him again. The sticky red texture on his face dissuaded her from doing so. Slightly nauseated, she almost vomited on the floor. Trying to contain this impulse she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax her shoulders and slow down the unsual fast heartbeat. After several long breaths she opened her eyes again. The spectacle was always the same.

She was observing the room, slowly, her gaze remaining successively on each object. Everything seemed so familiar and at the same time unreal and out of context. Her room no longer belonged to her, she had experienced a scene that would inevitably leave traces forever, and not only physical ones. The bed was unmade, the crumpled duvet hung partly on the floor. She liked this duvet, she had chosen it with care in a very expensive shop but with fabrics of an incredible quality. She couldn't use it anymore and it was painful for her. She was aware of the inappropriateness of this thought, but that was what came spontaneously to her mind.

The otherwise tidy room contrasted with Steve's body, which, like a disarticulated doll, was disturbing the view. His face was frozen and his wide-open eyes were staring at the wall. His beautiful blue eyes were devoid of expression, they would never look at her again. How could it have come to this?

− Emergency, how can I help you?

Victoria took a deep breath before answering.

− My partner is lying on the floor, full of blood. I don't think he's breathing.

Her voice was calm, almost too calm. She told herself it was not possible, not at home. But she had to breathe and keep her composure.

− Ma'am, give me your name and address, please.

She gave the information to the operator, who followed it up with a few more questions, which she listened to distractedly. She vaguely understood the words CPR and first aid. She answered mechanically without even being sure she understood the questions. The emergency operator asked her to stay on the line until help arrive.

But Victoriaknew they would be too late, Steve was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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