13. "ɪ ᴡɪsʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ."

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Now that he knows his soulmate is Oikawa, the lies on his wrist concern him even more.

"Everything's fine." Is it, Shittykawa? Fuck. Why won't that dumbass tell him anything?

"I asked him, and he said he was busy." Now Iwaizumi doesn't even know what that brunette is talking about. Asked him? Asked who? And that person said they were busy? But they weren't because it's a lie.. but the asked part is a lie, too.

It hurts his brain just thinking about it.

He sighed deeply. It was currently Friday; the school bell would ring in about ten minutes to dismiss them for the weekend. And this weekend was the Gala that Oikawa's dad invited him to.

The ticket was still sitting in his desk drawer. He's taken it out multiple times during this week to examine it over and over again. The words were almost engraved in his brain.

And yet, he still hasn't come to a decision.

Does he go? Should he go?

But on a more important note, he needs to tell Shittykawa how he feels. And soon.

It's driving him insane that the brunette was still avoiding him. All week, they haven't talked any, and he's about to go mad.

Not to mention, Shittykawa's back to his lying self.

Almost every hour, another ten lines of lies appear on his wrist. He's gotten tired of the same tingling sensation, and he can't even tell that Crappykawa to knock it off.

It was distracting, to say the least. But half of the lies were so dumb that he would scoff as the words appear.

"Yeah, I'm getting a haircut this weekend."

"Your shoes really compliment your eyes."

"Chemistry is so easy."

He narrowed his eyes and poked at his left forearm. Numerous classmates have already asked him about it; including a few teachers concerned about the blackened state of his skin.

The only thing he could say is that his soulmate tends to lie a bit.


He looked up to the voice that called him. Akaashi stood in the doorway of his classroom, a blank expression on his face. The male walked over to his desk and pulled out a chair to sit on.

"What's up, Akaashi?"

"Nothing much." The male paused. "Oikawa-san seems different."

He sighed. "Did you just notice?"

"I mean, he's acting kind of off." Akaashi shrugged, but then leaned in closer and said in a hushed tone, "There's a bruise on his cheek."

Iwaizumi flinched back in surprise. "Fuck. Again?!"

Akaashi nodded. "I asked him about it, and he was that it was nothing. Seemed like he didn't want to talk."

His blood was starting to boil. "Fucking Shittykawa always brushes it off as nothing. I swear– there's something going on in that house, and I'm going to find out."

Akaashi exhaled loudly. "What can you do, Iwaizumi-san? Oikawa-san won't even talk to you. Are you going to stalk him or something?"

"If that's what it takes." He clenched his fists. "I'll call CPS on them."

The dark haired beauty snorted. "You don't even know what's going on. What if it's not his parents? Maybe he's being bullied."

"Oikawa? Being bullied? Never," he scoffed. "If anything, he's the bully."

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