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Ash and Izuku finally made it to school only being an hour late but we're excused since a villain did stop their train forcing them to use their quirks to fly. They sat down right on either side of a girl named Suzu a quirkless girl that would be bullied if it weren't for her two surrogate brothers helping her and training in her so she can defend herself against anyone and anything. Ash and Izuku cared about her a lot and will be damned if anything happened to her.

They see Bakugou making his way to them with his little posse nothing impressive since Ash and Izuku have beaten them soundlessly. Ash even went as far as breaking his arm and leg without effort. That is what made bullies fear him knowing he would do the same to them.

"Well well well if it isn't the losers and the quirkless freak." Bakugou said in his ever so cocky tone. He would have said more if Ash hadn't stood up and punch him at his jaw effectively dislocating it. This scared everyone even the teacher. The only ones that weren't scared was Izuku and Suzu knowing he was not in the mood for Bakugou today.

Ash then have a icy cold glare. "Walk away before I put you in the hospital again ya arrogant shit. Only this time I will make sure it's permanent." Said Ash with a stone cold tone that actually made the temperature drop in the room. Bakugou was dragged away by his posse knowing Ash would hold truth to his threat.

Izuku sighed at his brothers attitude knowing how prideful he is and he hates anyone that shows weakness just like Kacchan. "Do you really need to do this brother? I know you despise the weakness he shows but come on." Izuku said but Ash only grunted in annoyance as he sat down next to Suzu who was glad a fight didn't break out knowing Ash could destroy the whole school as if they are insects.

"They are weak cause the allow themselves to be and I won't deal with it." Ash said in a harsh tone. He then looked at Suzu. "There is no training today if anything you should rest cause the next ten months will be complete hell Suzu." Ash said in a softer tone but still stern tone. Suzu was confused as to why training was canceled today but didn't question it knowing Ash has his reasons.

"Ok big bro Ash. I'll see you on Saturday then." Suzu said as Ash and Izuku nodded their heads. Izuku pets her head softly. Suzu smiled before they started to focus in class since they still have to finish school for the day. The teachers can't do anything to Ash since the last time a staff member tried to show Ash who's boss they never returned.

At the end of the school day Ash and Izuku went started to fly to the one of their secret training grounds that they made for themselves and Suzu to use.

"Hey Ash should we tell mom and Suzu what we really are?" Izuku asked Ash suddenly who turned to look at him so he can continue. "Their bound to find out somethings up one day. I mean come on we grow stronger and stronger which each fight and near death experience we ever had." Izuku said to prove his point across which made Ash realize that his younger twin was right.

Ash sighs before looking at Izuku again. "We'll tell them tomorrow they do have a right to know. We can't keep this from them any longer." Ash said which made Izuku smile and nod as they landed near a huge pod. When they entered inside it was much bigger and filled with weights, treadmills, thick steal like rope, and a computer that looks to be able to control the gravity from within it.

Ash went up to the master computer and turned it on. Ash stared at for a bit before typing a few keys and the gravity turned 75x stronger than it used to be making it hard for Ash and Izuku to even stand but they fought through and started to train.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Suzu ~~~~~~~~~~~

Suzu decided to take a short cut home since she didn't have much to do today she decided to actually rest for the day as she entered the tunnel she was thinking of all the things that has happened after she found out she was quirkless. Her parents basically ignored her for the most part, her so called friends all turned their backs on her, she was bullied by others like Bakugo until the age of 9 when she first met Ash and Izuku. Ash the prideful, strong, brave, and caring person to her and Izuku the cheerful, lovable, strong, and caring to her. She felt lucky and blessed to have them by her side she would deny it if anyone ever asked her but she has a massive crush on Ash and has been training hard to impress him every chance she got.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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