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"𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑!" it is far too early for bill denbrough to be hearing richie tozier scream at him. not a morning person. previous to this, he had been dreaming, and dreaming happily. he screams the details of the dream at himself in his head, forcing himself to remember for later. 

"i fucking hate you," are bill's first words of the morning, richie clicking his tongue. richie shakes his head.

"school is over, summer is here! and we are NOT wasting another fucking summer!" richie bounces bill's bed up and down with his body weight, bill groaning. slowly, bill sits up and finally opens his eyes. richie, fully dressed, is sitting at the end of his bedspread. the duvet is completely messed up.

"you probably woke up geo-guh-georgie," bill comments, richie ignoring him and standing up. richie grabs a shirt from the closet and tosses it to the shirtless boy in bed, who sighs. 

"come downstairs, i'm making french toast," richie says, marching out of the room. the door shuts, and bill begins to sit up further. he steps out of bed, and the door swings open again. "georgie is making it with me. come downstairs when you're decent. for the boys poor innocent eyes." richie says, shutting the door again. 

a minute or two later, bill is downstairs. he is still not wearing a shirt, ignoring the one richie had thrown at him. richie cheers at first, seeing bill, and then boos.

"georgie! quick! cover your eyes! bill's dick is out!" richie yelps, clambering to cover georgie's eyes from bill's exposed chest. bill rolls his eyes. georgie giggles from beneath his mask of richie's fingers.

"m-muh-my dick is not out. it's too hot for a shirt. and stop teaching georgie sw-swuh-swear words," bill replies, sitting down, exhausted at the kitchen table. richie lets go of his grip on georgie's head and focuses his attention back on the french toast on the frying pan. georgie, still giggling, joins his brother at the table. 

"i'm 11, bill. i know what dick means already." georgie says, triumphantly sitting back. bill sighs and looks to richie with disappointment. when richie finally looks back, a smug smile on his face, bill opens his mouth. 

"mum's gonna fucking kill me," he mouths the words, richie snickering a little. 

"you're fine," richie mouths back, flapping his hands. 

richie wanders to the table, plate of french toast in hand. he puts it in the middle, and bill helps himself to two. georgie takes one, and richie takes one, shoving a quarter of it in his mouth and then returning to the hot stove, to make more. bill pours far too much maple syrup on his french toast, and georgie watches, waiting for his turn to use it. as he watches, he has a revelation. 

"i have to piss," georgie mutters, getting up and rushing off to the bedroom. the other boys snicker, and richie leaves the pan on the stove, sitting down. 

"the mouf on th-thuh-that ki' is gonna be my d-duh-death," bill complains, his voice further mumbled by the food in his mouth. richie shakes his head.

"nah, he knows better than to do that in front of your mom, it's alright. plus, you can't get grounded if you're already on our trip." richie replies, bill looking excited at the idea of the trip. 

bill and richie's friends had decided to go on a road trip of sorts for the summer. it was a five day train adventure to get to portland from derry. in fact, they were all supposed to be sleeping over at bill's, but none of their parents let them except for richie. thus why richie taps his fingers on the hot plate excitedly in front of bill. 

"that's g-guh-gonna be so fun, but we're going to hate each other by the tuh-time we get to portland." bill says, realistically thinking about the long time period. richie shakes his head no like always, thinking positively. 

"it'll make for a fun story," richie decides, getting back up to get to the food cooking. 

bill takes his phone out of his pocket, having brought it downstairs from his bedroom. he checks the time and goes to the notes app, writing down the dream he had had that day. 

pretty boy (i like boys?)

we were watching sunrise

lots of trees

strange dark place 

wood...????? i don't know i remember thinking wood this morning

sitting on uncomfortable seats watching sunrise

richie and beverly were there too

richie made fun of me for something

beverly cackled like a witch

satisfying his need to record his dreams, he turns off his phone right as georgie walks back in the room. 

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