The Grand Finale

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(A/N) Before we go on, I just want to thank you all for tuning in to this story. It's been a fun ride. There will be more House of Mouse stories in the future, but I'll be taking it slow with them. With that out the way here we go!

The heroes and villains were in disbelief of the winner being Stardust Glitter, who had won to The Magnificent Marvelous Mad Madam Mim.

Mickey: It looks like we have a winner, Stardust Glitter!

The heroes cheered for the alicorn wildy, while the villains were disappointed that Madam Mim lost, they knew there will be other times and decide to give in and applaud Stardust, except for Pete and Madam Mim. Stardust was in complete shock of his victory, and had never felt so accomplished before, this gave him a big smile on his face.

After the dining room turned back to normal, Stardust was chatting amonst the guests at the House of Mouse. But then he decided to pay one last visit to his rival for now. Alice, Miguel, Olivia, and Roo decide to follow too.

At the lobby, Madam Mim was about ready to be taken to the hospital, when Stardust approached.

Stardust: You played well today. As for your disease, it's too serious nowadays, Madam. So you should be able to recover in a few weeks and be as good- or as bad as ever. Until then, I suggest lots of rest and loads of sunshine.

Stardust casted a small sun onto Madam Mim. Much to her horror and hatred for sunshine, pulled her hair over her eyes and turning away, as the medics take her away.

Madam Mim: I hate sunshine! I hate, horrible hopesome sunshine! I hate! I hate it! Hate! Hate!

Back at the dining room, Stardust was enjoying a conversation with Mulan, Robin Hood, Bo Peep and Tigger.

Robin Hood: I gotta hand it to you, lad. You were phenomenal out there, I'm sure your cousin would be proud.

Bo Peep: To be honest kid. This was just what I wanted to see, excitement. You really owned it to her.

Mulan: Yeah, I've seen many heroes and villains give up quickly to her. But I knew you had it in you. Great job, Stardust.

Tigger: If there was anything alicorns are best at is magical duels. And you might be the only one.

Stardust: Thanks you guys. To be fair, I was feeling a little scared of what would happen if I lost.

Before Stardust could head back to his dressing room, he spots Judy, Nick, Elsa, Sulley, Alice, Miguel, Olivia, and Roo heading his way.

Judy: Hi Stardust, congratulations on winning the magical duel.

Nick: I'll admit I wasn't expecting a spectacle like that. Good job, Stardust.

Elsa: You were good out there Stardust. One of these times I should show you about my family's past.

Sulley: You were awesome out there. Is that what alicorns can do? 'Cause if so, then that's pretty cool.

Stardust: Well, unicorns can also do magic, but alicorn magic is pretty strong and is a little more stable.

Miguel: You were great out there, Stardust.

Alice: Yes you were, but you could've been killed.

Stardust: Well, it was worth it when you learn something from it.

Olivia: Brain over Brawn?

Stardust: There's more.

Alice: Trusting your instincts?

Stardust: Yep.

Miguel: Having your friends and family believe in you?

Stardust: Almost there.

Roo: Wait, I think I got it! Knowledge, wisdom, love and trust are the most powerful things.

Stardust: Right you are, Roo! So I suggest you kids listen to those who deeply care for you.

Alice: Oh, we will!

Stardust: You know, I don't think I ever had friends like you guys before.

When the show came close to an end, Mickey decided to call Stardust to the stage one last time.

Mickey: Well that's our show for tonight folks. But before we go, let's give one last big hand for our friend, Stardust Glitter!

Stardust came up to the stage just as the audience roared in applause.

Stardust: Thank you so much Mickey. I don't know where I would've been if it weren't for you.

Minnie: Gosh, Stardust, we're the ones who should be thanking you!

Donald: That's right. If you had never came to the House of Mouse, the club would've been shutted down for sure.

Mickey: And I believe, it's time to make you an official part of the Huse of Mouse. The staff, the guests, and I really love having you around. What do you say?

Stardust: Well I'd say I found my true destiny.

The audience, rose up and appaulded Stardust even louder than before. The alicorn couldn't have been more thrilled than before.

Mickey: Nw take it away Mike the Microphone.

Mike the Mircophone: Modern Night at the House of Mouse has been brought to you by, Disney Heroes: Battle Mode! Now you can assemble a team of your favorite Disney and Pxar characters in this action-packed RPG mobile game! Choose from both classic and modern disney characters, from Mickey Mouse, The Incredibles, Wreck-It Ralph, Toy Story, Zootopia and more! Join the battle today! Rated everyone 10+. In app-purchases included.

Mickey: So, care to do the honors, Stardust?

Stardust: With pleasure. See ya real soon!

And so Stardust Glitter had finally found his true destiny and began to share the magic of friendship with others outside of Equestria. He could tell Twilight Sparkle will be proud of him.

The End


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