sam and colby

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Kinks - restrained and daddy
Top!Sam. Bottom!Colby

Colby's pov

I woke up this morning to the light shining through my curtains. I really didn't feel like getting up today but I knew I had to because sam and I were filming for the sam and colby channel. I checked the time 10:45 I was already slightly late. I groaned and threw my legs over the side of my bed. I didn't sleep well last night due to editing.
I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, plain black top and my xplr bomber jacket. I then made my way into mine and Sam's shared bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth.
After I finished that I ran downstairs over 35 minutes late.
"COLE WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Sam scolded ,tapping his foot angrily, arms crossed and leaning heavily against the kitchen counter. If looks could kill I wouldn't be breathing right now. "Sorry I woke up late because of editing last ni-" i tried to explain but soon got cut off.
"excuses Cole, forget it get your shoes on I will meet you in the car." Sam huffed stomping out to the car, slamming the door behind him.
I flinched at the sound. He never calls me 'cole' unless he is angry at me.
I sigh as I tie my last lace of my converse, heading out to the car. I sat in the drivers seat starting up the ironic red corolla. I look over to sam seeing him quietly scrolling through instagram and twitter. I sigh and start pulling out of the drive.
It was quite a long drive to the location, 4 hours to be exact. The drive was pretty awkward since sam was still pissed off at me. I've woken up late countless times before but he's never been mad for this long.
"You know, you don't have to be so over dramatic" I mumble, keeping my eyes ahead and on the road. "What did you say?" Sam questioned, eyes shooting directly into the side of my head. I could feel them burning into my skull with anger.
"n-nothing sorry" I stuttered. Sam chuckled. "Good" and looked back down at his phone. I gulp feeling a little threatened by him.

2 hours later

We finally arrived at the location after a long 2 hours of silence. We had already done the intro in the car, and had started the hike to the abandoned building.
"So this place is known to be haunted by a woman who was stabbed and burned there. It says she's usually seen between the hours of 2 pm and 8 pm . She was killed at 2 and found at 8. Creepy right?" Sam explained to the camera, asking me the question at the end.
"uh yea" I blabbered.  I can't stop thinking about why sam is so mad at me. Sam continued to explain more about the hike and the building to thee camera until he turned it off.
"You could atheist act the slightest bit interested for the fans" he grumbled not sparing a glance at me. "S-sorry" I mumbled, not wanting to piss him off more.
"You should be".

On the way home

We were about 3 hours into the drive home when sam places his hand on my knee, not taking his eyes off of his phone. I tensed up immediately but continued driving. I voted see Sam smirking in the corner of my eye.

Back home

As soon as we got through the front door , I sprinted my way upstairs and into my room. I locked it behind me then slid down the door putting my head on my knees.
'I can't be gay for sam' I thought.
I could hear Sam chuckling outside of my door.
'Fuck I said that out loud'
"And that" sam smirked on the other side of my door.
"Come on baby boy open the door for me" sam demanded. The dominance in his voice made me obey. I pulled the door open slowly , stepping back, blushing behind my hands.
Sam took steps closer not before locking the door again. He grabbed my shoulders with a firm grip and came close to my ear , nibbling and whispering.
" I'm gonna make you feel so good baby boy you're not gonna be able to walk for weeks."
I couldn't comprehend what was happening, everything felt so right. Like it was meant to be like this. Sam picks me up and practically throws me on the bed getting right on top of me.
" I guess the rumours were wrong baby the tables turned hm?" Sam chuckles darkly.
"W-what? H-how?" I stutter. "Well they always say you're the big, strong , dominant , sexy man , but really you're just a soft , small , innocent, little boy for me aren't you?" Sam says huskily slapping my clothed thigh.
I whine nodding my head faster than I ever have in my life.
"Words baby boy" sam demands.
"Y-yes d-d-daddy" I moaned turning red straight after.
"Daddy kink huh? Such a hood boy for me aren't you baby?  So good for daddy." Sam praised "but you were a naughty little boy today, sassing me in the car. That's naughty baby. Naughty boys need to be punished." Sam told be sternly.
"p-please daddy, p-please t-take me" I moaned.
"Strip " sam groaned.
I pulled off my jeans and my shirt leaving me in my underwear. Sam was soon to attack my neck with kisses, which soon turn into dark purple hickeys. I moaned our tin pleasure everytime a new one is made. Each being placed down my body. Sam keeps on going until he reaches the hem of my boxers. He then strips down to his boxers as well. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Sam chuckled I started drooling at the sight. That was enough to send sam over the edge. He ripped off my boxers and started circling my hole with the tip of his finger teasing me. " no teasing daddy" I whined. Sam slapped my bare thigh, making me cry out. " I say what goes on not you understood?" Sam growls. I nod scared to use my voice. He slapped my thigh again making me whine. " how many times do is have to tell you to use your words" he roars." I'm sorry daddy i understand. You are in control" I waste no time in grabbing Sam's himself and trying to pull him towards me.
" that's it lie on the bed now I'm tying you up" sam growls
" no daddy I'm sorry please no" I whimper nit wanting to be tied up.
He grabbed some rope and pushed me onto the bed sitting on my stomach so I wouldn't move. He tied my hand onto the headboard and my feet to the bottom of the bed so my legs where spread." NOW COLE YOU HAD BETTER LISTEN TO ME" sam scolded
"Yes daddy" I whined not liking the restriction. " stop whining or you will be gagged." I stopped whining sam circles his finger around my hole teasing me again. Then all of a sudden he plunges his finger in making me cry out in pain. " Daddy into hurts" I cry " shh it's okay baby boy you will get used to it" sam soothed. He slowly starts moving his finger in and out and it starts to feel good. As he is doing this is start moaning from the pleasure. " Daddy please fuck me" I moaned . " are you sure baby boy?" Sam asked unsure if I am ready. " yes daddy" I answer. Sam then takes his finger out of me and slowly pushed his dick into my hole. I moan out in pleasure and pain. He starts pounding into me once I have given him the okay to move. " I'm gonna cum soon baby you close? " Sam groaned " so close daddy" I moaned. Sam continues to pound into me. " hold it cole" sam growls. I continue moaning while trying to hold my cum. Sam cums in me and let's me release. " DADDY"  I scream as I release.

Sam's pov

"DADDY" Colby screams as he releases. I pick up a towel and clean him up then untied him. " Come on baby come back toe gorgeous" I soothe. You see when you do stuff like this then sub has to have some love and care otherwise it can damage their mental health and I can't let that happen to colby. "Come on baby boy that's it come back to me" Colby opens his eyes and smiles cutely. "There you go gorgeous let's get into bed" I say to him. He snuggles into the covers. "There you go gorgeous get some sleep it's okay I love you baby."I soothe " I love you too sammy" Colby replies sleepily. Colby falls asleep and I go and sit downstairs. "So cLosE DadDy" jake moans. "Shut up jake " I laugh.

I hope you enjoyed that im sorry I took so long to update. :)

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