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Luna's POV:

I woke up really early in the morning, probably 4 or 4:30 to get into the skating rink. I practice try and practice with my coach 3 times a week but today is one of the days that I'm practicing by myself. I quickly got ready ad then grabbed my skating bag, then started to walk toward the doors. I slipped on my shoes and headed out of the door, turning off the light before I shut the door. I quickly locked the door and began jogging down the sidewalk and began my journey to the skating rink. I passed a lot of the little shops ands stores on my way, some of the owners were in there getting their stuff ready for the early risers, some waved as I passed or just looked at me like I was weird. I was them stopped by the light turning red, bummer, I then noticed that someone had stopped beside me. I look and noticed it was Shu, of course he doesn't really know me, I only ever talked to Vault at school and none of my other classmates. Besides he wouldn't want to talk to me since he a Lui are rivals, after what seemed like an eternity the light turned green and I began to jog again.

*Time Skip It's 5 am*

I was just now coming up on the Skating Rink, I had been friends with the owner's daughter and they let me have keys so I could get in anytime, when I walked in the my friends brother Marx standing there getting things set up. "Good morning Marx" I said bowing as I walked in "good morning to you as well, how are you doing this morning?" He said setting the drawer in the register "It's been great so far got, got my morning run in, now I just need to practice. How has yours been?" I said "well that's good, mines been pretty hectic" He said rubbing his face. "Oh, why is that? If you don't mind me asking?" I asked as I set my back down on the bench. "Well you know how Kami has been getting sick?" He said looking at me "yeah, did they find out why she was sick?" I asked him walking to the counter "Yes they did and it's the same thing our mother had, so we don't know what we are going to do, the doctors said that she can get through this with some medication but she will be on them for the rest of her life. Her immune system is pretty much just giving up." He said now starting to sit in his chair. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll have to send some flowers. If there is anything else I can do let me know." I said to him. "Okay, will do. Now go have a nice practice okay Luna!" Marx said lightening up, I waved as I walked away saying "thank you I will, I hope your day gets better."

After I got ready to skate, I stepped out onto the ice. I started doing some laps around the rink and doing some little exercises. Later today I get to go see if my cast comes off or I have to get another one. I cant wait, then I will get to do jumps and all that other jazz, but of course I'll have to wait a little longer since when I get my cast off my wrist will be super fragile. I look and see that other skaters had came in to practice just like me, I look down at my watch to see it had already been 30 minutes since I came meaning I only had 30 to go. I was being mindful to the other skaters but also just being in my own little world, I was so relaxed today and boy did I love it. I went to the middle of the rink and did a spin, went I came to a stop I notice Vault and his group of friends standing at the sides. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I began putting my blade guards on, 'Oh nothing we just heard from Shu that you might be here so we came to check it out." Daigo said, I just nodded while trying to put on my other guard, I was having a little trouble with the side with my cast "here let me help you" Vault said grabbing the guard and putting to on. "Thank you so much Vault, you're a life saver" I said bowing, then I stood and noticed Wakiya was just looking around. I didn't pay any more attention to it though, "hey so when do you get your cast off?" Daigo asked, then I noticed that Wakiya was looking at my cast now. "Well, I get to find out today, Lui managed to get the doctor to squeeze me in so he and I are going, so fingers crossed I get to get it off" I said giving a smile, honestly I couldn't wait to get it off, I was a little smelly and my skin underneath itches really bad.

I looked down at my watch to see that I needed to get home so I could take a shower. "Okay well, you came and checked it out, but I need to get going, I have to get ready for my appointment" I said waving at them and heading to the locker room "Okay bye, have a nice day, good luck" They all rambled. "Thank you, you guys have a nice day too" I then walked into the locker room wear I changed back into my running clothes and I put my skates back into my bag. I slipped my sneakers on before heading out the door. I left through the back doors of the building that way I didn't come into contact with anyone else. Within 25 minutes I was closing in on my apartment building, I then started walking the rest if the way, pulling out my water bottle to get some water. I unlocked the door, and kicked my shoes off then made my way to the laundry room passing Lui on the way. "Hey how was your runs and practice?" Lui asked making food, he already had a plate done so I'm guessing that's for me. "They were great, everything seemed to pass by so fast. I guess it's true, time fly's when you're having fun" I said setting my clothes in the washer, I put some softener and detergent in and started it. I made my way into the kitchen to see Lui was putting stuff away and the food was on the table. "Thank you for the food Sharky" I said sitting down "no problem, it's a big day so I figured get you a special breakfast" He said sitting down. "I'm guessing the special part is that you actually cooked someone other than yourself food" I said giggling "HEY I'M NOT THAT BAD!!!" He yelled, honestly I wonder about his vocal cords sometimes.

After we ate it was time to head to my appointment, which wasn't that far from our apartment so we just walked there, we got into the building and I went to the front desk. "Hello, appointment for Luna Shirosagi" I said smiling at the lady behind the desk "okay let me look you up real quick" she said as she typed on her computer "Alright, have a seat and a nurse will call you back soon" she said looking up for a second, I then looked to where Lui was sitting, "that was fast" he said looking up from his phone. "Well I was just checking in" I said as I sat down next to him, "well I hope you can get if off" he said turning his phone off. "Me too!" I said grabbing my phone to look at my social media accounts to pass the time, we were waiting for about 6 to 7 minutes before I was called back. They took Lui and I to my room, where they started to get everything ready to take my cast off, it was weird when they were taking the cast off, my skin looked so odd. There was a little bruising but they were healing, the nurse then came in and took me to get an x-ray. When that was done, I went back to the room Lui and I just sat there in a calming silence until the doctor came in. "Well great news, your wrist is healed so you won't need a cast anymore, but I want you to wear a brace for about 2 weeks so we know it's totally healed." The doctor said after he came in and shut the door. "Sweet!!" Lui and I said.

*Time Skip*

Lui and I were now at home but before we left the doctor gave me a brace to wear, and told me to wear the brace for 3 weeks if by week 2 I felt like I needed to. I was currently laying in Lui's bed while he was out training with Gabe now, Sharky boi will never be satisfied... Before I knew it I was drifting off into a nice nap.


Well here it is!! Sorry I updated late, I lost track of time since I've been really busy with work!! Thank you to all who read this and I hope you enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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