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Chicago ;

"Momma no, I know what I seen." Masiah stressed

"Alright Masiah." Irene waved her off and at this point Masiah didnt Care no more, her mother wasn't believing her. She said it was all in Masiah's imagination

Masiah went to her room and laid down on on her stomach

Masiah heard tapping on her window and she looked up and saw all four of the black figures she shook her head no, she got up and closed her curtains. She turned around and saw all four of them standing there

"Why won't y'all leave me alone" Masiah cried

"Bitch cause we bored!" Eli said

"She can't hear you dick." Nelly said

"She a straight cry baby." Milly said tilting his head watching Masiah cry

"Make her stop crying." Eli said

"He won't." Nelly gassed

"Yea this shit annoying." Milly said and he closed his eyes and went into his human form he opened his eyes and felt his neck

"Tha- tha fuck my chain at." Milly said then he snapped his fingers as his chain appeared

"Shutcha cry baby ass up, tha fuck is you crying fah." Milly said and Masiah pouted and wiped her face

"H-how'd you do that." Masiah said

"Magic bitch." Milly waved his fingers and Eli and em fell out laughing

"Y- your one of the black figures aren't you?" Masiah

"Yea no shit." Milly said touching the stuff on her dresser he knocked her lamp down it almost hit the floor until Mali caught it

"Why do y'all keep messing with me? I pray to God-." Masiah got cut off by her lamp getting thrown at her head but she ducked so it hit the wall and the glass scattered all over her floor

"Can you please stop." Masiah said

"This nigga such a hot head." Mali laughed

"The bitch keep saying that nigga name. Tha fuck ? She can't tell weon fuck with that nigga." Milly said and Eli laughed

"I'd really appreciate it, if you'd guys ah leave me on." Masiah said , Eli closed his eyes changing into his human form as Nelly and Mali did the same

"Tha-tha fuck my shoes at." Nelly said looking at his socks he snapped his fingers and his forces came on his feet

"I don't want y'all here at all, leave. Now." Masiah said and Milly gave her a blank stare

Nelly took one of his eyeballs out

"Tha fuck you doing?" Mali said

"Tryna find who tha fuck she talking too." Nelly said and Milly shook his head

"What tha fuck yall humans be eating up hea." Eli said

"You were human once you know?" Mali said and Eli shook his head no

"If I was human once why I die?" Eli said and Milly straight faced him

"This nigga so fucking dumb." Nelly said sighing

"Can y'all Please get out my house." Masiah said

"I want you out and I want you outta my house now." Nelly said with a red robe on

Eli laughed holding a cigarette,

"Y- no shut tha fuck, don't nobody wanna hea that shit." Mali said cutting them off and they sucked they teeth

"Oh my get tha fuck out!" Masiah yelled and they stared at her.

"She talking to me crazy ion like that shit." Milly said and he snapped his fingers

Masiah was in a hospital strapped to the bed she started screaming as she tried to get her self out, the lights flickered and all she heard was her breathing and water dripping

"HELPPPP" Masiah yelled trying to get off the bed and she saw the door open as a nurse walked in humming

"Help me please." Masiah cried and the nurse smiled and shushed her then started rubbing her forehead

"I'll take good care of you." The nurse smiled grabbing a xacto knife and brought it to Masiah neck making her scream loudly

" The nurse smiled grabbing a xacto knife and brought it to Masiah neck making her scream loudly

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The nurse cut Masiah neck and Masiah tried screaming again but she started choking on her blood. The nurse smiled at her as Masiah eyes opened and closed

Milly snapped his fingers feeling as though she had enough, Masiah hopped up as sweat trickled down her face, Masiah touched her neck feeling nothing she sighed in relief

Milly and them stared at her. Eli couldn't keep a straight face for long so he started laughing which made Nelly laugh

"Next time talk to me like you got some sense." Milly said and Masiah just stared at him

"I'm talking to myself?" Milly raised his eyebrow

"No." Masiah said lowly

"Speak up bra." Milly said

"No." Masiah said loud enough for him to hear, he starred at her before snapping his fingers and they were all gone

Masiah sighed and laid back on her bed

Eli appeared back into her room

"Forgot my chips." Eli said grabbing his chips off her nightstand and he snapped his fingers and disappeared again.

Bebe: sooooo.🌝

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