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Stefan's Point of View

I ran into Damon and Elena when I was chasing Klaus' failed attempt at making a hybrid through the woods. I told Damon to go home and stop looking for me, that I don't care about Elena anymore and that I'm happy where I am even though I'm not, I only wanted to protect him and Elena from Klaus. I can't have Klaus finding out that Elena is still alive and that's probably why his hybrids aren't working.

The failed hybrid bit me and I had to take the dead guy back to Klaus and beg for his blood to cure me of the wolf bite. I half-assed my apology to him about killing his hybrid, that I had no choice or he would've killed anyone he laid his eyes on. Klaus gave me this weird look that I couldn't detect what it meant. But he did give me his blood in the end.

Then we went to Chicago to see a witch that's supposed to help him with his hybrid problem. It didn't really help him. The witch needed something from the witch that cursed him, the original witch, his mother I came later to learn. The only way to contact the original witch was to do some witchy stuff on something that belonged to her. Rebecca, his sister, has a necklace from their mother. Before we left the bar to wake up Rebecca I found a picture of Klaus and I looking all buddy-buddy with each other.

Now I have no idea why I would be friends with someone like him and I couldn't remember. All he said was that my answers would come in due time. Whatever the hell that meant, I just wanted to know now. But we went to take the dagger out of his sister and then we went shopping? And apparently his sister knew me too and was surprised to see me. I don't know what was happening but there was definitely something those two weren't telling me and I wanted to know what it was. Neither of them would tell me.

Then I made the mistake of asking Rebekah about her father, Mikel. That was stupid on my part. As soon as I started asking her about him she got defensive and on guard. When Klaus came back from the witch's bar, Gloria, he said she was dead, which I believe that Damon killed her but I can't confirm. Anyway, when Rebekah told Klaus that I was asking about Mikel, he knew something was up.

Next thing I know I'm waking up in the back of a truck with a sore neck. I make my way out of the truck and see that we are back in Mystic Falls, which is really bad for me, and Elena. I had been so cold to protect her and yet I couldn't do that right either. This day sucks. I make my way to the school because it's senior prank night. I know that's where they are. I enter the gym to see Elena and Klaus. I try to convince Klaus of my allegiance to him but he didn't believe it. He compelled me to rip Elena's throat out when the basketball clock dings.

I fought against it. I fought so hard. I even stabbed myself in the stomach with a broomstick. Klaus comes in behind me in shock at what I've done. He pulls the broom from my stomach and pushes me against a wall.

"I can't believe I've waited this long to do this," he whispers in my ear.

For some reason his breath makes me shiver and sends tingles down my neck, back, and to my dick. Why am I getting turned on by him, it makes no sense.

"Do what?" I ask.


He grips my hair with his fingers and pushes my head up against the wall. His dominance is not helping my hard-on, if anything it is making it harder. He looks deep into my eyes and I realize what he's about to do.

"Please, don't," I beg.

It feels like I've been in this position before and I don't know why.

"I'm sorry, love, but I've waited too long,"

"What?" I wonder.

"You can remember," he whispers.

All of a sudden I am hit with memories. They flash before my eyes and I cannot believe what I'm seeing.

I open my eyes to find Nik staring at me. I relax in his hold and let out a deep breath.

"Hey Nik," I whisper.

"Hi, love," he smiles.

"I've always loved your smile," I say.

"I've always loved you,"

"I love you too but can you stop?" I ask.

"Stop what?"

"Stop chasing Elena, stop trying to make more hybrids," I say

"Why? Do you actually have feelings for her?" he accuses.

"No, Nik. I don't think I ever really loved Elena. I will never love another like the way I love you. I just want a peaceful life with you. So please, for me, stop," I beg.

"I love you too but you don't understand love," he says.

"Yes, I do. I know how you feel and I want you to know that it is complete bullshit. You don't want to be alone but you are not alone. You have me and your brothers and sister. Just free them and live a happy and peaceful life with me, please Nik. Just because you are the only one of your kind does not make you alone. It makes you special, I love that you are literally one of a kind Nik," I explain.

His face seems to relax. I can tell I'm getting through to him.

"Please, Nik. Give up on Elena and start on me," I beg.

"I have always loved your begging,"

"I know," I whisper.

I tilt my head up and meet his lips with mine. The kiss turns into a heated makeout session and we finally pull away when we run out of breath.

"Okay," he whispers.


"Yeah, let's go. Hopefully, your friends don't stop us,"

"I won't let them,"

We kiss again.

"What the fuck!?"

We pull away and whip ours heads towards the doors to see the person that the voice belonged to.

Number of Words: 1055

Published: September 26, 2020

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