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You're running.

Your heart is beating so fast it's the only thing you can hear other than your almost painfull footsteps as your legs moved as fast as they could go. It hurts but you can't slow down, because it's behind you. You know it is.

You can't hear it, you can't see it, but the overwelming terror you feel right now wouldn't be there if that thing had just given up and left you to escape. No, you know better than that. You know that you can't slow down even for a second; that if you do, would surely be the end of you. 

Those thoughts are enough to keep you going, dispite it getting so much harder to breath and every muscle in your body is begging you to stop but you can't. You know you wouldn't even have time to look around, to catch a glimpse of the creature that was chasing you through the forrest because you're already to dissoriented see straight. 

You let your thoughts drift to your family, who're probably wondering where the hell you are. It's dark, and they think, surely you know better to be home by now, especially with all the deaths that have been accuring around the neighbourhood recently. They'd think you're smarter than do go off by yourself at a time like this.

They were wrong. 

So, so wrong.

And it takes all you have not to cry because despite how much they've been getting on your nerves lately, you want to spend every waking moment with your family now. You want to be at home where it's safe and warm and you don't have to worry about bad things happening because it's your home. 

Your territory.

 Not It's.

You can hardly feel the stinging pain as the sticks on the ground cut your bare feet, you're too busy focusing on trying to get out of this fucking forest without slowing down. But you're beginning to wonder if you ever will.

The chances of surviving are becoming less likely the later it gets.

You feel yourself falling before you actually do. Your body thuds hard against the dirt and the wind is knocked out of you but it's not like you could breath anyway, because when you glance up It's there.

It is fucking there with it's yellow eye's, sharp teeth and deafening growl as it leans it closer so it's only a few centimetres away. The Thing almost looks like it's smiling, the way it's looking at you. So smug, so evidently evil, and it's got you. It has finally caught you.

Your heart is beating so fast, and then it's stopped.

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