Chapter 3

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After school ended I looked for Luke. I found him walking home. 

- Luke! Can I maybe meet your brother then? I asked.

- Okay...said Luke.

Polly had texted me asking were I was because I was supposed to have detention.. I told her I was gonna skip it. She responded with: ....ok😒. 

When We were there Luke opened the door and shouted for his brother. Soon a big, tall guy came. His name was Benjamin, he bit me because one other Alpha had watched me and wanted to Have me in his pack. But the other Alpha was mean and he already had people in his pack.

- so... umm... can you help me with the full moon thing? I asked them.

- okay, first you need to text your parents and say that you are sleeping over at a friends house. Then we will tie you up with these chains and wait for the full moon. Luke said with a smile on his face.

They tied me up, let me get some food and watch tv. 

Some hours later I Started to feel in Body that I was turning into a werewolf. 

—Luke's POV because She doesn't remember this—

I sat on the other end of the room. Arya was turning. First her face changed, her teeth, then she got fur, then she turned into a werewolf, like a wolf but yellow eyes and bigger teeth. Her fur was white and she was growling at me, trying to get out of the chains. Benjamin didn't turn because he had already learned how to not turn. He sat next to me and watched her bite and kick, trying hard to get out of the chains.

—Back to Arya—

I woke up in a bed. It was in Benjamin's room because you could clearly see the letters on the wall spelling his name, they were probably old and he just kept them. 

Then Benjamin and Luke came and it was time for school.

I went to school like it was just a normal day, but in my head questions was spinning around.

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